Looking for support

Hi everyone, i've been on MFP for about two weeks, i try my best to log everything a eat each day and its been going well so far i lost about 5lbs. I started at 202lbs. Looking for a support system that we can share recipes, and motivation etc for each other. I feel really good about my journey so far. looking for support and movitation so we can do this! Feel free to add me :-)


  • That's a great start! Are you just focused on food or are you exercising too?
  • Hey! Great job logging and loosing!. I think it will be great having fellow "loosers" to share this journey. I just had my fifth baby and just celebrated my 10th wedding anniversary, as part as a anniversary gift I made a memory DVD. I was motivated to say the least after looking at all those old pictures.
  • Anselee
    Anselee Posts: 62 Member
    hi there, I've been a MFP member for about 2 years but just started using it again after a year so kind of new old here lol, I'm also looking for others to stay motivated feel free to add me and also congrats on your recent anniversary as well xo
  • AndrekaEwing
    AndrekaEwing Posts: 2 Member
    Right now i'm only focused on getting me eating habits under control but i do want to start some type of exercise routine also within the next week, to help speed up results
  • SugafreeNsweet
    SugafreeNsweet Posts: 21 Member
    Great Job!! Keep up the good work. Anyone looking for a supportive movtivation pal is welcome to send me a friend request.
  • Hey, curious what workouts everyone does. I got T25 it's great but a little too much this soon after my c-section (had 5 c-sections)so I thought I would do Leslie sandstone walk videos along with bar method
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello & Welcome! Feel free to add me, I'm on here everyday.
  • Hi, I'm fairly new also , a little over 2 weeks and I'm loving MFP. Also looking for the same friends that can encourage each other and build healthy recipes that we can adapt to long term, I'm from the Islands so I love spicy foods so I help myself in the kitchen. It's a lifestyle change for me so far and I'm comfortable with 1200 cals. I lost almost 3lbs in the two weeks which is not water weight, My water weight came off two weeks before (8lbs) when I went on a Liquid diet to help myself adapt to eating less. I sent you a friend request.