30 Day Shred- What to expect? Please help.

I'm LITERALLY 2-4 lbs away from meeting my weight loss goal. I finished a round of Insanity & have been struggling with what to do next. Turns out, I'm going back to running and have several 5K runs scheduled, then a 10 mile, and a half in the Spring.

As I am going to be focused on training, I don't want to overdo it with another program. I'd eventually like to do another Beachboday program, but I was thinking about FINALLY doing 30 Day Shred for the month of November. I have a feeling it's not going to be nearly as intense as Insanity, which might not be a bad thing with running on opposite days. I'm not as focused on losing (or won't be in 2-4lbs).

What kind of results should I expect? Weight loss? Loss of inches? Buliding muscles? Just curious if this is a good program for me. I'd be doing it 2-3 days a week and running on the off days.



  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    30DS is basically cardio with weights. It's fast, low weight, high reps. I'd find a full body strength program using lower reps (therefore heavier weights) while race training. You might also like the look you achieve better.