Hello all! Let's start getting in shape BEFORE the new year!

Howdy there! Thought I'd introduce myself since I've been absolutely loving MFP!
I'm Ashley, and I'm 21, 5'4" and somewhere around 135lbs (I need to buy a scale!). I'm trying to get back down to my college weight of 110lbs by mid-January 2014!
I walk/jog between 5-10 miles every day (I try to go a mile with each of my 10 dogs!), as well as utilizing 30 Day Shred. I'm also thinking about trying P90X, if anyone recommends it despite its high cost!

Some backstory, if you'd care to read: I'd suffered from bulimia and anorexia throughout middle and high school, getting below 100lbs with the least healthy methods possible. Once my husband left me and I started college, I got up to 115-120lbs, and felt great! But, financial problems soon forced my out of college and technical school, and depression sent me into a blur of heavy drug and alcohol usage. I'm the midst of all this, on my 20th birthday, my mother died of heart failure and within a week my grandfather passed away as well. I was broken; spending all of my (very small) inheritance on hard drugs and alcohol binges. I lost my house, job, and my cars. But an angel came to my rescue. My lovely boyfriend gave me a home: shelter, food, and love. He's kept my off drugs, and set my life on a better track.
However, all this love and acceptance allowed me to ballon up to a high weight of 145lbs! For the first time in my life I was eating whatever I wanted because my boyfriend loves me no matter how I look! I was feeling great, until it hit me just how much weight I had gained...
I was trying on a bridesmaid dress that had fit me perfectly just 10 months prior, and I could not zip it up!!! It finally hit me how out of shape I had gotten. Tons of calories and zero exercise ruined my (at one time, awesome looking) body! The reality hit me that I was following the same path that led my mother and grandfather to premature death and gave my older sister diabetes. That shocked me into the reality that I needed to change for the better.
Enough is enough. I got over an eating disorder, drugs, and alcohol (still an intense daily battle), so I can get over being unhealthy! I've made a pledge to myself to stay strong and loose weight the healthy way: proper diet and exercise! It'll be hard, living with a family that loves to party, drink, and eat greasy Mexican food and salty chips every single night (in which my lucky boyfriend can indulge without gaining a single pound...-_-) but I am inspired to keep it up!

Any friendly support would be greatly appreciated and returned! And thank you if you took the time to read this ridiculously long post! I'd love to reach out to anyone in a similar situation!
Good luck to everyone on this journey to health and well being!!

Btw, I highly recommend downloading "Charity Miles" to any runners, walkers, or cyclists out there! Awesome motivation, and it's free!