Single Momma Weight Loss Question



  • rbcrawford1
    rbcrawford1 Posts: 29 Member
    I am a geographically single parent (husband in Afghanistan) with a 5 yo and nearly 3 yo. I take the kids to the gym daycare on weekends (worth every penny of the $33/mo), lift weights at home (Craigslist FTW), and catch classes when I can. I do push ups/chin ups and TRX style ab workouts on their swing set. I trek around the neighborhood with my daughter in the backpack and she loves to sit on my back for push ups (er, I love it less). When my husband was in Iraq and my son and I lived in India (so no outdoor opportunities and a lot less space), I did Wii Fit and Jillian Michaels DVDs after he went to bed. When all else fails, mowing the lawn with a reel mower (no engine) and cleaning floors on my hands and knees ups the calorie burn a bit. Good luck! You can do it!
  • DaniNicole321
    I'm not a single mom but I'm a fulltime student and my fiance' works 12+ hours a day outdoors(in Arizona, blehh) so once he finally gets home asking him to take our son while I work out isn't exactly on top of his priority list. I do a lot of Jillian Michael's DVDs, 30 Day Shred and Kickbox Fastfix are my faves and they only require 20ish minutes a piece. I also found quite a few workout videos on Hulu Plus if you happen to have a subscription. Or I take my son on walks when I can. Best of luck in finding a routine that works for you. :)