Dumbest article I have ever seen: Germs at the Gym



  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    OP - if this is the dumbest article you've ever read, then you haven't read too many articles.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hmmm, didn't seem that dumb to me. Having got athletes foot from the gym, I strongly concur with the advice of flip flops even in the shower. Athletes foot is disgusting to look at, smells, and takes forever to get rid of. Really pissed me off that I got it from a high-end gym I pay a fortune to be a member at too. :-/

    I know you didn't like the article, but thanks for re-posting anyways. Some will get some good advice from it. And btw, that is also good advice on washing your hands. ;-)
    Too bad no one told the germs that it was a high-end gym. Stupid uneducated germs. Sheesh.

    I know right?! ;-)
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    I don't know why you are scoffing at this. Granted, all people should be courteous and clean their equipment, etc, but I still see people walk out of the bathroom without washing hands, so it isn't so unbelievable they wouldn't clean equipment. Awareness of the problem is how you fix it, which is the aim of the article. You have to find the happy balance between public safety and common sense. Despite all this, there is evidence of disease spreading through fitness facilities all the time.

    Ringworm was a pretty common occurrence for a lot of the wrestlers in my high school, even though they cleaned the mats with bleach water, and gyms usually see an upswing in attendance in the winter months, which also happen to be when lots of people come down with colds and the flu. If you push on for a workout when you aren't feeling that great, then come down with the flu a day or 2 later, you most likely exposed everybody at the gym to your flu. I'm fortunate in that I almost never get athlete's foot, but my dad always complained about getting at home because I spread it from the school locker room.

    If that article helps even one person remember to wash their hands or clean their equipment, then it is doing its job.