I've been here about a month and a half, and have been really, really trying. Right now I'm at 140 lbs-- the heavy end of "healthy" for my height. I really want to get to an ideal weight, not so much to be healthier but to feel better about my body. The only problem is that, being eighteen and living with my parents, it's very difficult to weigh my food, etc. without really awkward questions being asked. We do have a home gym which I use twice a day (cardio in the morning, weights in the afternoon after school) but my issue is with food. When there is snack food available, I develop cravings that are very, very difficult to handle. Ice cream? Oh, just a scoop... and it turns into three. I've asked my parents to please stop buying these unhealthy snack foods, and often make my own meals if we're having soemting like spaghetti or pizza for dinner (I'm gluten intolerant.)

Further complicating the ordeal is my huge amount of food allergies, especially gluten. I don't have celiac disease, but feel general discomfort after ingesting anything with gluten. I thought, after finding out that I had this intolerance, that i would lose weight because I'm not eating as many carbs, but the opposite happened. I am having terrible sugar/ carb cravings and end up snacking more!

I've attempted to tell my friends and family that I would like to lose a few pounds, but they aren't terribly supportive and just tell me "You're great the way you are, don't go changing yourself." Though that's nice to hear, it's not what I need, because it just leads to me justifying "a little" snacking.

My question is, how do I manage these cravings? Any advice would really help me.


  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    GM has a gluten-free food section: http://www.liveglutenfreely.com/.
    Maybe that will give you low-calorie carb-like snacks that you can work into your new improved eating program.

    Good luck! :drinker: (water)