Weight loss and ADD

Hi all,

Have not been on here for over a month. Had been doing so well, hitting the gym 5-6 times a week, slowly losing weight and gaining muscle, eating a lot better with the occasional treat (chocolate) here and there when I really pushed myself at the gym. Then I got sick (had pneumonia which lasted nearly 3 weeks), few other hiccups as well. Had to stop going to the gym and basically gave up on all exercise. Also dealing with adult ADD which I figured shouldn't interfere with my weight loss but finding myself losing focus and too many 'oh shiny' moments. I in turn feel guilty and ticked off with myself and start eating more junk food. So basically it's bee nearly 6 weeks since I've worked out, I've gained about 5 lbs during that time and am having a very difficult time getting motivated. Any suggestions? Anyone else dealing with adult ADD/weight loss?

All insights/suggestions/kicks in the tush would be appreciated.
