Cardio on Strength Training Days?

I'm planning on adding strength training into my weekly routine. I still have 5-10 pounds to lose, so should I be doing cardio on lifting days or just have lifting days? My plan to start is M W F cardio (treadmill or outside trail), T TH strength training with Sat exercise bike, rest day on Sunday. So should I be doing cardio on Tue and Thur too or will it be too much?


  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    The good new is, you can do all three. Cardio on strenght days, cardio on off strenght days or get this, you can do strenght workouts and it's like a cardio workout. By this last one, I mean taking very little time off between sets of exercise, that way it keeps your heart rate up and you burn more calories.

    Over training is rare. Sure you can wake up very sore and not WANT to workout, but its rare that you can't work up to numerous workouts each week.

    So back to your question, the easy answer is to plan to do as much as you think you want and have time to do.

    I personally do 3 days of strenght training in a row and take the next day off. While cardio I do Mon, Weds, Thurs and Sundays. So sometimes I'm doing two a days.

    Technically, diet is where you probably need to make sure you are hitting your mark. What's nice about the tools on this site is you can input your exercise and it will spit out what calories you can uptake for the day.

    Good Luck