Unsupportive Parents

A little background info - I am currently a 19 year old male sharing a 2 storey house with my parents. So far I have lost 40lbs but my parents are constantly trying to sabotage by efforts by buying home massive amounts of junk food (2 - 3 weeks worth). These include pizza, chips, bacon, french fries, onion rings, fish sticks, chicken nuggets, hotdog, chocolate, pierogies - pretty much everything I'm trying to avoid. They know I'm trying to avoid junk food yet the freezer which has a volume of 904.4in^3 is completely full. I need to try harder then I have ever before, especially now in the winter time to not gain back the weight.


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Have you talked to them about your new healthier eating habits and your goals/plans?

    I know that might sound like a really obvious Q. But maybe they are just accustomed to buying that kind of stuff, and think of it in that way like "oh you're a young man, of course you eat all this junk! ha ha"

    Maybe a serious discussion would help. Do you have other people in the household, siblings perhaps? Can you buy and store your own food? Have you requested your parents purchase healthier items...and if so what is their response?
  • Have you talked to them about your new healthier eating habits and your goals/plans?

    I know that might sound like a really obvious Q. But maybe they are just accustomed to buying that kind of stuff, and think of it in that way like "oh you're a young man, of course you eat all this junk! ha ha"

    Maybe a serious discussion would help. Do you have other people in the household, siblings perhaps? Can you buy and store your own food? Have you requested your parents purchase healthier items...and if so what is their response?

    I have been at this for more then 6 months now so it's not exactly new, and I did tell them at the beginning of my goal. I would buy my own food if I had disposable income, a car and enough physical space to store it.
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that! When the person buying the food is not on the same page as you, it can get real messy! Plus, all the things your describing are simple and easy meals for the basic American family; the norm. Do they buy items that you can use in healthy recipes and just MAKE your own food? Any veggies, fruits, chicken? Do they ever buy anything at your request? Such as, hey can you pick up bananas when you go to the store today?! If you don't already know how to cook learn. You'd be surprised how good healthy food can be and all the variety once you learn how to cook. Also, plan your meals out for a few days in advanced. Do you have a job where you can afford to buy food occasionally, such as individual items, tomatoes, lettuce, etc? Try out skinnytaste.com for healthy simple recipes. I make almost everything from that website/app!
  • I'm sorry to hear that! When the person buying the food is not on the same page as you, it can get real messy! Plus, all the things your describing are simple and easy meals for the basic American family; the norm. Do they buy items that you can use in healthy recipes and just MAKE your own food? Any veggies, fruits, chicken? Do they ever buy anything at your request? Such as, hey can you pick up bananas when you go to the store today?! If you don't already know how to cook learn. You'd be surprised how good healthy food can be and all the variety once you learn how to cook. Also, plan your meals out for a few days in advanced. Do you have a job where you can afford to buy food occasionally, such as individual items, tomatoes, lettuce, etc? Try out skinnytaste.com for healthy simple recipes. I make almost everything from that website/app!

    Like many other students my age, the microwave and toaster oven are the only appliances I have used for cooking. But what I can control is my drinking so I have only drank water for the past few years - no soft drink, coffee, alcohol or any drinks in between. Eating at fast food, restaurant, buffet is also something I've eliminated.
  • carrotsaregood
    carrotsaregood Posts: 57 Member
    Congratulations on your healthy accomplishments, so far. I also would agree with the heart to heart with your family. I would suggest that you approach it from the angle that your are struggling to aviod all of that junk food and need help. Basically the truth. Sometimes parents have a hard time changing either due to lack of knowledge or desire. Your personal goals may not be thiers, plus some people nurture their children with food. My point is maybe if you approach your family asking for help while making sure not to blame anyone they may be able to get on board. Also your mom/dad my be able to teach you how to cook if you ask and if not then asa family you may be able to learn how to shop/cook healthy together.