Confused by BMR!

Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to this been here three weeks now and I've searched through posts but still remain confused. MFP calculates my BMR at 1279 and that I should be eating 1200 regardless of whether I want to lose 1 or 2 pounds per week. I don't have much to lose, 9 pounds but would like to have that lost within 6 weeks. I'm not exercising much at the moment I'm walking between 30 mins and 2 hours per day although I am heading back to the gym this week.

I don't find it too difficult to eat 1200 per day and have been going over 1 day a week as I am adding a 'cheat day' just so I can eat one meal of my choice and have a treat. I have lost 4lbs in a little over a month ( I added a pound I'd lost before I joined MFP) The question is, how many calories should I be consuming to lose weight as I'm hoping I don't have to wait 9 weeks to get this extra off!