I've put on 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks....



  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member

    As for the Pizza psh it's healthy. There are no bad foods people come on.

    Since when?

    Since the dawn of Pizza kind....what is wrong with Pizza, you get carbs, protien, calcium, potassium, iron and lots of other vitamins depending on what kind. And when I make it I get full on on piece for 451 calories.

    There are just unwise/unpractical foods. Pizza is usually calorie dense leaving you still hungry after eating a reasonable portion.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Everyone is just gonna say its water weight blah blah blah

    You know what? I gained 15 pounds in 1 week, everyone said it was water weight, yet it took a month to get off just like "normal fat" it wasn't water weight. Some people are full of it.

    What. You wouldn't be able to lose 15 lbs in a month normally, as well, unless you had a tremendous amount of weight to lose. Your anecdote just adds evidence to it being water/glycogen. A small portion of that might have been fat.

    Also, OP, you can still easily lose weight eating pizza, etc. The only issue with those foods is that, unless you're weighing or measuring properly, it's harder to estimate. Someone else preparing your pizza might add 100-400 calories more than a website's nutritional content, versus you making your own and knowing exactly what goes in.

    Are you measuring/weighing food?
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    OP- Are you on any new medications? Lifestyle change? Stress?

    When I got my new job, packed, moved, etc., I was under a huge amount of stress, and I was also taking a new medication. I gained 8 pounds in one month. Nothing in my diet had changed. So, yes, it is possible. Look at all the variables.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    OP, have you started a new type of exercise recently? That can cause your muscles to retain water as the adjust and repair. This is especially true if you start lifting, but can occur with new cardio sometimes, too. When I started lifting heavy, even though I'd been doing circuit training with smaller weights before, I gained 2 lbs (with my starting weight about 130, so possibly comparable to about 5 pounds for a large male). It took several weeks before it came off again. During that time, I'd made no change to my diet, so I doubt it was fat :tongue:

    (Not to discount the advice to carefully measure everything, just letting you know of the possibility if you've started exercise)
  • A_Healthier_Me2013
    A_Healthier_Me2013 Posts: 227 Member
    do you have a heart or kidney condition? this can cause water retention.
  • I looked at your diary and everything seems OK, you might just have to cut back for a few days to get things moving again. I know people around here ***** and moan about people dropping their calories too low but in my experince a few days around the 700-800 calorie range gets my weight loss moving and is very helpful.
  • Euroboss
    Euroboss Posts: 56 Member
    I looked at your diary and everything seems OK, you might just have to cut back for a few days to get things moving again. I know people around here ***** and moan about people dropping their calories too low but in my experince a few days around the 700-800 calorie range gets my weight loss moving and is very helpful.

    Yesterday Ken had 2 cups of skim milk for breakfast. What?

    Then he had a sandwich. Ok, that's good, although you really shoulda eaten that earlier so you didn't feel like crap all morning and totally starving by the time lunch came round.

    Then he has a tiny little bit of pasta, 50 grams about for dinner. Follows it up with 42 grams of M&Ms! He eats as much M&Ms as he does real food!

    Less crap - More food, Ken. It's really not rocket science.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    What he's eating, if measured correctly, would not affect things. His sodium SHOULD be called into question, since there ARE days over 3000 recently. A cup of milk is a good shot of protein--not sure why that'd be "bad" for breakfast. Breakfast being "necessary" is antiquated nutritional science long since disproven.

    "Better" food choices would result in better nutrition, not better weight loss. For every person saying, "I only lost weight eating clean!" without taking into the variables of deficit + fitness, there's five people saying, "I lost weight eating pizza and ice cream regularly" with deficit + fitness.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I looked at your diary and everything seems OK, you might just have to cut back for a few days to get things moving again. I know people around here ***** and moan about people dropping their calories too low but in my experince a few days around the 700-800 calorie range gets my weight loss moving and is very helpful.

    Yesterday Ken had 2 cups of skim milk for breakfast. What?

    Then he had a sandwich. Ok, that's good, although you really shoulda eaten that earlier so you didn't feel like crap all morning and totally starving by the time lunch came round.

    Then he has a tiny little bit of pasta, 50 grams about for dinner. Follows it up with 42 grams of M&Ms! He eats as much M&Ms as he does real food!

    Less crap - More food, Ken. It's really not rocket science.

    That's exactly what I was trying to say, but to my surprise some say there is nothing wrong with it, healthy even???
  • Euroboss
    Euroboss Posts: 56 Member
    Lets have a robust, adult discussion about if what Ken is eating is appropriate and why not only isn't losing weight, but probably feels terrible too.

    It's really the post just before yours, my second, where Ken problem is clear. When you don't eat properly first up, in the morning, you'll be sluggish and moody until you do. A cup of milk isn't going to fix that. That means you grumble through the morning, being a right pain in the bum to everyone around you, until you make it to lunch when you're RAVENOUS. This makes it very hard to make good food decisions because you NEED FOOD NOW, let alone logging into some webapp and trying to write it all down as you make it. A sandwich like Ken has would last him an hour or two, then he would be STARVING again because all he has eaten by 3PM is a sandwich!

    This has nothing to do with the 'breakfast kickstarts your metabolism' stuff that was never proving and you're alluding to. It's just that normal adult eating habits promote good nutritional choices, you've got the presence of mind to think about what you're eating and the time to prepare it.

    Ken then goes on to have what is really a tiny dinner considering he hasn't eaten anything really all day, why have the carbs at dinner when you could have had them at lunch and let that power your afternoon? Anyways he eats his kids portion of pasta and then puts down pretty much the same quantity of M&Ms! Do you understand why dessert is a sometimes food? It's because for the very high energy values it contains, there isn't a lot of food there! That's the best thing I think MFP diary can teach you, that you get ripped off on the sugar laden foods because you blow a ton of daily budget and don't get a lot of food out of them! 30 mins later and you need to eat something else!

    I also think Ken's goal is unreasonable and therefore unsustainable. The amount of exercise he should be doing anyways, we all should, you need at least 1900 calories daily. 2000 if you're actually going for decent runs most days and doing a good weight routine like 5x5.
  • Euroboss
    Euroboss Posts: 56 Member
    I looked at your diary and everything seems OK, you might just have to cut back for a few days to get things moving again. I know people around here ***** and moan about people dropping their calories too low but in my experince a few days around the 700-800 calorie range gets my weight loss moving and is very helpful.

    Yesterday Ken had 2 cups of skim milk for breakfast. What?

    Then he had a sandwich. Ok, that's good, although you really shoulda eaten that earlier so you didn't feel like crap all morning and totally starving by the time lunch came round.

    Then he has a tiny little bit of pasta, 50 grams about for dinner. Follows it up with 42 grams of M&Ms! He eats as much M&Ms as he does real food!

    Less crap - More food, Ken. It's really not rocket science.

    That's exactly what I was trying to say, but to my surprise some say there is nothing wrong with it, healthy even???

    Sa'll good, just fight the ignorance with reason. We all want to achieve here, lets help each other. If this was a community of people that understood how their bodies worked, we wouldn't be keeping food diaries would we?
  • Have you had your thyroid checked? When I gain quickly - my thyroid is usually off.
  • epazia
    epazia Posts: 126 Member
    Why does everyone make the assumption that what works for one person will work for the next person just the same? Some people may be able to eat whatever they want and loose weight others will have to take into consideration healthier choices. I am aware the basic formula says take in less then you burn, but all things burned are not equal. Personally, I would look carefully at what you are eating and eliminate something for a week or two, say i dunno pizza, see if that gets you burning again. This might give you an idea of what is not working for you.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    It's really the post just before yours, my second, where Ken problem is clear. When you don't eat properly first up, in the morning, you'll be sluggish and moody until you do. A cup of milk isn't going to fix that. That means you grumble through the morning, being a right pain in the bum to everyone around you, until you make it to lunch when you're RAVENOUS. This makes it very hard to make good food decisions because you NEED FOOD NOW, let alone logging into some webapp and trying to write it all down as you make it. A sandwich like Ken has would last him an hour or two, then he would be STARVING again because all he has eaten by 3PM is a sandwich!

    Some people don't eat breakfast and aren't negatively affected by that lack of food. I prefer to not eat until lunch. I'm not tired, sluggish, or moody. You don't need to make generalizations for all of us.
    This has nothing to do with the 'breakfast kickstarts your metabolism' stuff that was never proving and you're alluding to. It's just that normal adult eating habits promote good nutritional choices, you've got the presence of mind to think about what you're eating and the time to prepare it.

    My "normal adult eating habits" will be whatever I want them to be. I don't need/want to eat at certain times of the day. That has nothing to do with weight loss anyway. Just because someone chooses to eat at an odd time, doesn't mean they don't have "presence of mind to think about what you're eating". You're pretty judgmental about the habits of strangers.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Calories. Calories are all that matter for weight loss. One step at a time, folks.

    Personally, I don't think the OP is logging accurately enough - ie not weighing food.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    It's gotta be TOM.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Euroboss
    Euroboss Posts: 56 Member
    It's really the post just before yours, my second, where Ken problem is clear. When you don't eat properly first up, in the morning, you'll be sluggish and moody until you do. A cup of milk isn't going to fix that. That means you grumble through the morning, being a right pain in the bum to everyone around you, until you make it to lunch when you're RAVENOUS. This makes it very hard to make good food decisions because you NEED FOOD NOW, let alone logging into some webapp and trying to write it all down as you make it. A sandwich like Ken has would last him an hour or two, then he would be STARVING again because all he has eaten by 3PM is a sandwich!

    Some people don't eat breakfast and aren't negatively affected by that lack of food. I prefer to not eat until lunch. I'm not tired, sluggish, or moody. You don't need to make generalizations for all of us.

    I don't believe you. I was a long time 'I don't do breakfast guy' myself. I'm not a special snowflake and neither are you, this is how the human body works. What do you do for a job? I ask because I'm trying to ascertain what your mornings entail.
    This has nothing to do with the 'breakfast kickstarts your metabolism' stuff that was never proving and you're alluding to. It's just that normal adult eating habits promote good nutritional choices, you've got the presence of mind to think about what you're eating and the time to prepare it.

    My "normal adult eating habits" will be whatever the heck I want them to be. I don't need/want to eat at certain times of the day. That has nothing to do with weight loss anyway. Just because someone chooses to eat at an odd time, doesn't mean they don't have "presence of mind to think about what you're eating". You're pretty judgmental about the habits of strangers.

    You need to step back and stop making snap decisions/comments. There are some good suggestions for Ken in this thread - but none of them are coming from you.

    Complete rubbish - eating more proper food and less high calorie junk is objectively a good suggestion and if you don't think so it says more about you than anything else. You're not actually an amazing flower that is different to the rest of humanity, you will find certain consistencies in the eating habits of healthy people. Eating at regular intervals is one of them.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    It's really the post just before yours, my second, where Ken problem is clear. When you don't eat properly first up, in the morning, you'll be sluggish and moody until you do. A cup of milk isn't going to fix that. That means you grumble through the morning, being a right pain in the bum to everyone around you, until you make it to lunch when you're RAVENOUS. This makes it very hard to make good food decisions because you NEED FOOD NOW, let alone logging into some webapp and trying to write it all down as you make it. A sandwich like Ken has would last him an hour or two, then he would be STARVING again because all he has eaten by 3PM is a sandwich!

    Some people don't eat breakfast and aren't negatively affected by that lack of food. I prefer to not eat until lunch. I'm not tired, sluggish, or moody. You don't need to make generalizations for all of us.

    I don't believe you. I was a long time 'I don't do breakfast guy' myself. I'm not a special snowflake and neither are you, this is how the human body works. What do you do for a job? I ask because I'm trying to ascertain what your mornings entail.
    This has nothing to do with the 'breakfast kickstarts your metabolism' stuff that was never proving and you're alluding to. It's just that normal adult eating habits promote good nutritional choices, you've got the presence of mind to think about what you're eating and the time to prepare it.

    My "normal adult eating habits" will be whatever the heck I want them to be. I don't need/want to eat at certain times of the day. That has nothing to do with weight loss anyway. Just because someone chooses to eat at an odd time, doesn't mean they don't have "presence of mind to think about what you're eating". You're pretty judgmental about the habits of strangers.

    You need to step back and stop making snap decisions/comments. There are some good suggestions for Ken in this thread - but none of them are coming from you.

    Complete rubbish - eating more proper food and less high calorie junk is objectively a good suggestion and if you don't think so it says more about you than anything else. You're not actually an amazing flower that is different to the rest of humanity, you will find certain consistencies in the eating habits of healthy people. Eating at regular intervals is one of them.

    Hahaha, no.

    As my ticker might suggest, I've been pretty darn successful with my method of eating when it suits me and eating what I want. Weight loss is about eating less calories than you need. It's really that simple. And that math is exactly why I don't think I'm an amazing flower that is different to the rest of humanity.

    I'm healthy, fit, and active. I have energy, strength, and endurance. I don't eat breakfast because it doesn't appeal to me. I have incorporated breakfast in the past - when it did appeal to me. Either way, it didn't affect my weight loss. As long as I'm eating less than I burn, I'll lose weight. 50lbs can't be wrong.

    Eating nutritionally healthy foods is great and important. I make sure that I get enough lean protein, dietary fats, veggies, fruits, whole grains, etc. That stuff supports my health and fitness goals. But, I also eat pizza and ice cream (both of which include the above listed things by the way).

    If you want to eat at regular intervals because it makes you feel good, by all means go ahead. But don't suggest that Ken's diet is off the rails because he had milk for breakfast. That's simply not the case.
  • Euroboss
    Euroboss Posts: 56 Member
    Hahaha, no.

    As my ticker might suggest, I've been pretty darn successful with my method of eating when it suits me and eating what I want. Weight loss is about eating less calories than you need. It's really that simple. And that math is exactly why I don't think I'm an amazing flower that is different to the rest of humanity.

    I'm healthy, fit, and active. I have energy, strength, and endurance. I don't eat breakfast because it doesn't appeal to me. I have incorporated breakfast in the past - when it did appeal to me. Either way, it didn't affect my weight loss. As long as I'm eating less than I burn, I'll lose weight. 50lbs can't be wrong.

    Eating nutritionally healthy foods is great and important. I make sure that I get enough lean protein, dietary fats, veggies, fruits, whole grains, etc. That stuff supports my health and fitness goals. But, I also eat pizza and ice cream (both of which include the above listed things by the way).

    If you want to eat at regular intervals because it makes you feel good, by all means go ahead. But don't suggest that Ken's diet is off the rails because he had milk for breakfast. That's simply not the case.

    Whoa, before I go, this is smart and I want to respond.

    Yes ok, but I'm just suggesting common methods (proven for many) of assisting in modifying behavior. You look at Ken's intake for yesterday and you honestly tell me if you agree with some of the people in this thread that it's fine. Do you think that pattern will lead to not only weight loss, but general health?

    Do you believe Ken's Monday is a good day for Ken's eating? That's really the crux of it.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Looked at your diary, and if it's accurate, you're right - you should be losing - not gaining. Are you weighing your food, or just guess-timating? I was not weighing and just couldn't figure out why I wasn't losing. Now I try to get to the kitchen to weigh when I can and am sometimes surprised. Also, it's hard to get the pizza cal count right - there are so many different ones on the database. Best wishes!