Bulking and BF %



  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Did you have a transition phase from going from a cut to a bulk, by slowly upping your calories? or did you just jump from your cutting calories right into you bulking calories? If you just jumped into bulking calories from cutting calories, thats a good way to gain fat.
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    Did you have a transition phase from going from a cut to a bulk, by slowly upping your calories? or did you just jump from your cutting calories right into you bulking calories? If you just jumped into bulking calories from cutting calories, thats a good way to gain fat.

    I reckon that's the case. Cuz I went from normal diet into very increased in cal diet... :/
  • b3st
    b3st Posts: 1,350 Member
    stop worrying about your bf and bulk you can cut later when you have some muscle, if not do 300+ over your maintenance and lean bulk, you are over thinking.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Did you have a transition phase from going from a cut to a bulk, by slowly upping your calories? or did you just jump from your cutting calories right into you bulking calories? If you just jumped into bulking calories from cutting calories, thats a good way to gain fat.

    I reckon that's the case. Cuz I went from normal diet into very increased in cal diet... :/

    The increase is glycogen replenishment/water retention. I put on about 13 lbs the first 2 weeks of my bulk and looked way better in the mirror. Looked thick and juicy from the muscle glycogen. The same thing happens when you cut..you will initially have a large decrease in weight, this is your glycogen depleting. There are 3500 calories in a lb of fat so unless I was eating 24500 calories over my weekly maintenance for those 2 weeks...
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    What are your ratios like? carbs/pro/fat? In percents

    50carb 30prot 20fat, alright, I recalculated the tree with a different calculator. It's 3000ish + 500surplus would be what I should consume, but, during a day I would burn almost the same amount of calories, so I still need to add more to what I have...

    I would highly recommend that you readjust your ratios to 50%protein,30%carbs,20% fat.Especially if you are trying to bulk up. You want muscle? Right? You need that extra protein for your muscles. When you change your ratios you will also have less trouble with your body fat going up.

    Also have a high carb day once or twice a week with the ratios you are doing now. I know a LOT of body builders who follow this way of bulking up and they look awesome!!

    If I would switch to eating 50% protein over carbs I really doubt I could stomach my tdee calorie intake. :/

    Good luck to you. Just remember building lean muscle requires eating lean protein. Adding a good quality protein powder helps with that. My trainer has me on Gold Standard whey isolate. 24 grams a serving. It's a lot of protein but it really helps.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Did you have a transition phase from going from a cut to a bulk, by slowly upping your calories? or did you just jump from your cutting calories right into you bulking calories? If you just jumped into bulking calories from cutting calories, thats a good way to gain fat.

    I reckon that's the case. Cuz I went from normal diet into very increased in cal diet... :/

    The increase is glycogen replenishment/water retention. I put on about 13 lbs the first 2 weeks of my bulk and looked way better in the mirror. Looked thick and juicy from the muscle glycogen. The same thing happens when you cut..you will initially have a large decrease in weight, this is your glycogen depleting. There are 3500 calories in a lb of fat so unless I was eating 24500 calories over my weekly maintenance for those 2 weeks...

    This is also a good point. I gained 3 lbs in my first week of bulking (goal was .5 lbs/week), but I suspect a good part of it was water retention. I'd also started creatine at that time, so it makes sense. I'm 3.5 weeks in and up a total of 3.6 lbs, but I suspect some is still water.
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    going back to BF. How much of it did you gain on your bulking cycle? (in % please)
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    What are your ratios like? carbs/pro/fat? In percents

    50carb 30prot 20fat, alright, I recalculated the tree with a different calculator. It's 3000ish + 500surplus would be what I should consume, but, during a day I would burn almost the same amount of calories, so I still need to add more to what I have...

    I would highly recommend that you readjust your ratios to 50%protein,30%carbs,20% fat.Especially if you are trying to bulk up. You want muscle? Right? You need that extra protein for your muscles. When you change your ratios you will also have less trouble with your body fat going up.

    Also have a high carb day once or twice a week with the ratios you are doing now. I know a LOT of body builders who follow this way of bulking up and they look awesome!!

    If I would switch to eating 50% protein over carbs I really doubt I could stomach my tdee calorie intake. :/

    Good luck to you. Just remember building lean muscle requires eating lean protein. Adding a good quality protein powder helps with that. My trainer has me on Gold Standard whey isolate. 24 grams a serving. It's a lot of protein but it really helps.

    140g of my protein comes with lean chicken breast, other 60-70 with protein powder, rest is normal food which makes around 220-230g of protein a day. I don;t go over 80g of fat a day either.
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    bump note BF bulk, 500 versus life info see thread prior post bump
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    going back to BF. How much of it did you gain on your bulking cycle? (in % please)

    I'm only up 3.6 lbs and I've gone up 0.2% body fat so far....but I've been at this less than a month and I'm attempting a very slow, clean bulk.
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    I rechecked my notes from last year.

    Start: Oct. 10th, 165 lbs., 10.49% BF (Jackson-Pollack/3 method), 13.22% BF (JP/4 method)
    Finish: Feb. 11th, 180 lbs., 12.96% BF (JP/3), 15.17% (JP/4)

    Using the JP/4 body fat method, I went from 143 to 152 lbs. LBM and from 21 to 27 lbs. Fat. Soooo, I gained 9 lbs. 'muscle' (5 lbs. of that was probably water) and 6 lbs. fat. I felt MUCH fatter after the bulk.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    No offense but why are you so afraid of gaining some bodyfat? You know how to get rid of it so whats the big deal? It's really a no brainer...eat big, lift big, get big...so what if you get some fat who cares...you know how to get rid of it so just BULK...

    Cuz I like seeing my 8pack every day in the morning :D is it fair reason?

    Not really considering you can't bulk without gaining fat. It's scientifically impossible. You can MINIMIZE fat gain by bulking slower and selecting a cleaner menu but thats it. So no..it really isn't fair reason. You need to decide if you want to recomp, maintain or bulk. If you decide to bulk then be prepared. You will have fat gain. If you don't then i will come visit you at the X-MEN academy and we can hang out.


    get over the fact you won't see your precious 8 pack. Just think of it as it's on vacation. It's not dead- or moving- it'll be back- it's just taking a sebatacle.

    You WILL gain fat- if you are bulking you WILL gain fat- that's inevitable. how much is up to you. But you will see slower gains with less bodyfat- the cleaner you try to bulk. That's reality. You can do your best to minimize it- but it's going to happen.

    Might as well go ham and get the most out of it.
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    No offense but why are you so afraid of gaining some bodyfat? You know how to get rid of it so whats the big deal? It's really a no brainer...eat big, lift big, get big...so what if you get some fat who cares...you know how to get rid of it so just BULK...

    Cuz I like seeing my 8pack every day in the morning :D is it fair reason?

    Not really considering you can't bulk without gaining fat. It's scientifically impossible. You can MINIMIZE fat gain by bulking slower and selecting a cleaner menu but thats it. So no..it really isn't fair reason. You need to decide if you want to recomp, maintain or bulk. If you decide to bulk then be prepared. You will have fat gain. If you don't then i will come visit you at the X-MEN academy and we can hang out.


    get over the fact you won't see your precious 8 pack. Just think of it as it's on vacation. It's not dead- or moving- it'll be back- it's just taking a sebatacle.

    You WILL gain fat- if you are bulking you WILL gain fat- that's inevitable. how much is up to you. But you will see slower gains with less bodyfat- the cleaner you try to bulk. That's reality. You can do your best to minimize it- but it's going to happen.

    Might as well go ham and get the most out of it.

    CAPS on, must be true then :D
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    it's the internet- everything you read will be true.


    sorry- it's the way I talk- so it's the way I type- I tend to do such things- least I didn't say

    you WILL gain body fat...

    I mean could go crazy with bold AND italics- I'm to lazy for that though- the best you get out of my sorry *kitten* was an extra bolding LMAO.

  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    it's the internet- everything you read will be true.


    sorry- it's the way I talk- so it's the way I type- I tend to do such things- least I didn't say

    you WILL gain body fat...

    I mean could go crazy with bold AND italics- I'm to lazy for that though- the best you get out of my sorry *kitten* was an extra bolding LMAO.


  • OriginalBenEG
    Try 400m sprints for cardio. No more than 1600m total per day.
  • Blakewc
    Blakewc Posts: 106

    I think a big issue you are having is the split workout's. If you really want to gain the Musle weight you need to focus a lot more on the compound movements many times a week and leave the dumbells alone. At this point in your body develompment, they are not going to help you much.

    Dead lift 1 -2 time a week

    Heavy Squat 3 times a week

    Bench, incline, decline press 1-2 times a week

    Overhead Press

    Barbell Rows.

    If you want to gain musle and still keep lean and not lose your 8 pack...do these. everything will get worked, abs, bri's , tri's, back everything. Not only will you get biger and stay lean ( as long as you eat clean) but you will get a **** load stronger as well. You can do some HIIT (20-30mins) 2-3 times a week. But shouldn't do more than that. Trust me Bro if you want to get big and still look good follow my advice.
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    Here is a good video on b/f testing

    And here is an awesome video on how to bulk
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    if anyone is interested I gained another 2kg with very little fat according to my scales :D Achieved by consuming 3500 cals a day...