stopped losing

I have been on mfp since august 2013 started at 210 and now 176 cant seem to lose more.


  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    As you lose weight/fat your body will hit a plateau, which is what you have done. You will need to change things up to get things moving again. Add some weight training, High Intensity Intervals, you might need to increase your calories-even if just for a few days. Shock that body, you can do it!!! :)

    GREAT job on the loss already!
  • angash1966
    angash1966 Posts: 19 Member
    i have changed my workouts. i went from the wii to jillian 30 day shred level2
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I have been on mfp since august 2013 started at 210 and now 176 cant seem to lose more.

    Holy crap that is awesome so far!!!!!!!!!! I also started in August. I lost the first 23lbs in 2 months. Then for the last month I have struggled. I finally got to 30lbs. I went about 3 or 4 weeks without losing. I did what people on here suggested. I was on a 1200 calorie diet--per MFP. I read that was too low and (pretty much) against my better judgement I started to eat more. Once I started eating more--I started losing. So, its possible.
  • angash1966
    angash1966 Posts: 19 Member
    sorry i was wrong on my start date it was may 30 2013.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    34 pounds is 2 months is great, but really it is way too much. Your body can't sustain that rate of loss long term. Your body will readjust every so often and you'll have to mix up your diet to keep things going but PLEASE don't expect 3 or more pounds a week because you can't do that and remain healthy.

    ***Ok, just saw your edit. You are still doing great! Mix up your calories a bit. If you've been eating 1500, bump it to 1700 for a few weeks and see how it goes. That works for me every time I plateau.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    There are always going to be plateau's, its just your body's way of adjusting. If you measure yourself, you may find that although you havent lost any weight, your proportions are still changing. That can be a great motivator to get you past the fact that your scale is evil and wont move.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    your scale is evil and wont move.

    Yes...scales are the devil! (Sometimes they are good though! lol)
  • angash1966
    angash1966 Posts: 19 Member
    my day starts with Jillian 20 min. workout and then a 30 min. walk which is an average of 2 and half miles.iI follow the calorie intake that the fitness pal gives me for the most part. i know that if i have to much sodium that i swell up so i try to watch my sodium intake any suggestions.
  • SkinnyMel78
    SkinnyMel78 Posts: 434 Member
    this happened to me for about 3 weeks. It was so frustrating, but I upped my workouts and went over my food diary and made some adjustments and started losing again! Good luck!!
  • angash1966
    angash1966 Posts: 19 Member
    I went shopping for clothes the other day and i tried on a pair of jeans that was a size 10 and they fit so i bought them and wear them to dinner that night. I started at a size 16.
  • angash1966
    angash1966 Posts: 19 Member
    thank you all for your suggestions i will try them.
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    I have been on mfp since august 2013 started at 210 and now 176 cant seem to lose more.

    Holy crap that is awesome so far!!!!!!!!!! I also started in August. I lost the first 23lbs in 2 months. Then for the last month I have struggled. I finally got to 30lbs. I went about 3 or 4 weeks without losing. I did what people on here suggested. I was on a 1200 calorie diet--per MFP. I read that was too low and (pretty much) against my better judgement I started to eat more. Once I started eating more--I started losing. So, its possible.

    I completely agree. Make sure you are eating enough. I had a three-four week stagnant period. I was netting 1400 for my first month and lost 10 lbs, but then stopped losing. I lowered my cals to 1200 net, and nothing budged. I figured I would up my cals to see what would happen. I now aim for 2000 a day and I typically burn 550-750 cals a work out (5x/week). I have gone back to losing weight.

    I think having the more consistent calorie intake, regardless of working out that day or not, has helped with my weight. YES some days im still netting close to 1200 cals, but on my off days I am not starving and sucking my energy out to affect my exercise routine in the following days to come. That was my biggest down fall I think. Mondays were really hard for me to work out after the weekend because I wouldnt allow myself to eat more than 1200 cals/day or would be angry with myself if I did.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Plateaus are a good time to really take stock in what you're doing. When we do things for a long period of time we tend to get lazy...initially we will be very gung ho about weighing and measuring everything and proper portion control...but over time the natural tendency is to get a little sloppy. Also keep in mind that as you lose weight your deficit becomes smaller...the lighter you are the less calories are if you're at the same calorie goal you started with, your weight loss gap has closed and thus your margin of error has closed as well.

    9x out of 10 a plateau is attributable to some kind of user error and underestimation of intake/overestimation of burn. I had my big plateau back last Feb...I spend far to long insisting that I was doing everything right...once I took the advice of some of my friends and really started getting OCD on weighing and measuring again I found out that I had really gotten a little sloppy and where I thought I had a 500 calorie per day deficit I really only had about 200 from underestimating my intake. Just something to be aware of.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Have you redone your MFP/TDEE calorie measure since you lost your weight? This will make a big difference as well....
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    If you have your goal set at 2 pounds per week, adjust it down to 1. The weight loss at this point will be slower but easier to maintain and it should give you a higher calorie goal. I agree with others that changing up calorie intake should help. Also make sure you measure everything you eat. That can be a huge difference.

    How long have you been on the plateau?