Any Dancers out there?

edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
One of the real main reasons I'm losing weight is for Ballet,
anyone else out there doing the same thing? (:

I'd love to have a dancer motivation buddy!



  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I'm not a dancer but I love to do it anyway! I always wanted to dance ballet, but unfortunately, I don't have the body type for it (short and stocky with short legs). Oh, well.

    Having said that, I think you're not eating enough. You're daily goal is set way too low, and you're barely eating 500 calories a day. You're not eating any vegetables or fruits. You're only tracking calories - remember that fats, carbs, and sodium are important, too. Yes, you can have too much of those, but it's just as bad if you're not getting enough of the right kinds.

    Please, please, please re-examine your diet. You are deficient in basic nutrients. Even if you manage to lose the weight you desire, you'll be so weak and malnourished that you'll keel over at ballet practice. I know that ballet dance is an industry that tends to promote unrealistic and unhealthy body types for female dancers, but please don't compromise your health any further to pursue this.

    Sorry to be so negative, but you're so young and you're beautiful as you are. I'd hate to see you do permanent damage to yourself. Good luck!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    not meaning this in a bad way but.....

    why do you want to lose weight when you are already skinny?!?!?
  • Omygoodness,
    don't worry!
    i dont count fruit/vegetables as calories!
    and not to mention,
    I'm also bad at remembering what I ate so I can log it when I get home!
  • We'll, I'm not saying that I'm not skinny, I am.
    But for a ballerina, I need to weigh a little less considering the men in our company are usually strong, but short, so being around 115 is ideal so they can lift us in partnering.
    I know it may not make much sense,
    but the ballet world never really does...
    we dance on our tip-toes for crying out loud!
    hahahaa (:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    My goal is to get back around to my pre pregnancy weight and than get back into dancing. During high school I was on a hip hop dance team (it was more jazz like than hip hop) and than in CO while my hubby was deployed I was on a semi pro dance team. Once we moved to TX I stopped dancing, had babies, and I know if I try out for a dance team at the current shape I am in I know I won't get selected lol
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Glad to hear that! We don't mean to gang up on you, but we're kind of a big family on here, and we can get protective of each other sometimes. So many people come to this site with unrealistic goals and very unhealthy ideas about how to reach them. Sometimes we can get carried away trying to educate people about healthy lifestyles. We all mean well!

    Hey - you're a big girl and you can run your life as you see fit. Just be careful and make sure your choices are educated ones. Stay healthy!
  • Oh thats wonderful! I used to love Jazz/Hip Hop but when I started taking so many ballet classes, I had to quit :(

    Have you ever done Modern/Lyrical? Its really interesting, I'm starting to do it this year since it's part of my required training for company.

    And don't sweat it! Looking at your pictures, you look like your doing awesome! Amazing progress girl! At your rate, you'll be dancing in no time at all! :D
  • Aww thank you!
    I appreciate your concern and tips! Good luck to you! :D
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Hi! Sorry I just saw this post! I am (well used to be) a dancer! I have danced all my life and now I sit at a desk 8 hours a day at an Opera House in the dance department! I love what I do, but I wish I could dance more. I teach little kids 2-3 days a week in ballet, tap , jazz, hip-hop, and lyrical. I went to college and earned my BS in Dance with mostly modern and ballet training. I love it and know where you are coming from! I also am the General Manager of Operations for the ABT Detroit Summer Intensive. :smile: Keep up the good work, but keep your health in mind!

    P.S. LOVE your quote in your signature!
  • ridiculyss
    ridiculyss Posts: 108 Member
    Hiya!! I have been a dancer on and off throughout my whole life since I was 4 (ballet, tap, jazz and a month or so of hiphop as a kiddo lol), but am stuck on it for life since my high school days :) I took a bit of ballet in my intro to dance class, then moved onto modern and jazz. I LOVE Hip hop and modern style dance. <3<3

    I too am aware that I'm already pretty fit/thin, but I am hoping and trying to get back into the shape I was in before I put on the "freshman ten" a couple years ago. hahaa. Back in high school, dancing 3 days a week or so, I was in the greatest shape of my life. On my 18th birthday (after going to college), I went clubbing with a few friends, and I danced for an hour before the club, the 3 hours we were there, and an hour afterwards. Now I find it hard to dance longer than an hour >< I hope I can find the time and energy to get back in shape. I gotta give up/cut back the breakfast pastries :P hahaha
  • gotballet
    gotballet Posts: 3
    I'm losing weight for Ballet too!!!!! I also need a motivation buddy
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