Questions for gym go-ers.

How long have you been a gym member? How often & how long do you work out for? What's your favorite thing to do at the gym? How long did it take you to enjoy and get that *feeling* of where you felt you just had to go?


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Gym member - 3 years, started going consistently in July
    How often/long - 3-4 days a week 30-40 min
    Favorite thing - Lifting (only thing I do in the gym)
    When did I start enjoying it - When I began seeing results and progressing my lifts.
  • lindzgayle
    lindzgayle Posts: 131 Member
    I've belonged to a gym for about 7 or 8 years. Currently, I go 4-5 times per week for about an hour at a time - some days less, some days a bit more. I really enjoy strength training the best, but sometimes when I'm doing HIIT sprints, I get really excited about a new goal. :)
    The feeling of NEEDING to go to the gym starts by missing it when you skip a day. It's never really super fun and awesome to get up at 5 am and go, but afterwards is the best feeling ever. I would say within a month of steady training you should be able to recognize the differences.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    I don't belong to a gym.

    I work out in a hotel gym with a personal trainer (she has a contract to train there).

    I also run and I take a variety of "pay as you go" classes at different fitness studios - Kickboxing, trampoline workouts, micro-toning workouts, etc... there is an endless variety of those in NYC. It helps me entertained and it ensures I work out different muscles in different ways all the time.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Gym membership/regular attendance since April 2011; 2X week

    I do weights at the gym, and some cardio after the lifting (either running outside, or some form of machine at the gym). I also do cardio and some core work and body weight exercising outside the gym.

    I have a personal trainer, and I love the structure this provides. I keep progressing, I remain interested and focused in performance improvement. I know this is an expensive option, and not for everyone. For me, I get a continuous learning opportunities, I have someone who is making sure that my form is correct, that my activities are supporting my goals and objectives, and pushes me when I need to be pushed (not too often, more often he is making sure I don't push myself too hard - I have done this on my own with resulting injury).
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Just over a year. I try to go six days a week, and I'm trying to cut down my workout time from three hours to two hours or less. Big compound exercises where I can feel myself getting stronger. Some days I enjoy it and some days I don't, but when I'm spending so much money going I'm going to go as often as I can. With the money it's costing me I may as well try to use it to become the best I can.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    How long have you been a gym member? Just over a year now (joined the Y in October of 2012)
    How often & how long do you work out for? 6 days a week, alternating days of cardio and strength training (1 hour) with straight cardio (36 mins)
    What's your favorite thing to do at the gym? Weighted lunges and ab workout
    How long did it take you to enjoy and get that *feeling* of where you felt you just had to go? In January of this year, I decided to go more... I had only been going 3 days a week and it wasn't enough. I upped it to 6 days/week (it was 7 for awhile).
  • LozzaCozza93
    Been a gym member for 4 months, I go twice a week - an hour on a weekday and about 2 hours on a Sunday. I have only just started pushing myself on the treadmill to reach modest goals but I get a lot of satisfaction afterwards, I also enjoy resistance machines working my thighs and my core cause I can really feel it afterwards and it feels goooood.

    I've been naughty last week and only went once and I feel really fat and sluggish, so I guess you could call that a feeling of having to go? I'm a lifelong exercise dodger prior to this so I'm really not used to it :P
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    I've been a gym member for 18 years. Started when my older son was a baby to get me out of the house lol.
    I go 4-5 times a week for between 45-90 minutes depending on what I do and my schedule for the day.
    Things I Love: spin class, Zumba and cardio/sculpt classes. Will lift because I like what it does for me but don't love it.
    I have been going so long it's part of my routine so when I have to miss it I'm unhappy.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    How long have you been a gym member? 11 months

    How often & how long do you work out for? 5 Days a week, Hour per day

    What's your favorite thing to do at the gym? Heavy lifting

    How long did it take you to enjoy and get that *feeling* of where you felt you just had to go? Not sure, it switched from "I should go do this" to "I need to go do this" and now im at the "I cant wait to go do this".
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Gym member - 14 years on and off. Consistently for the past 18 months
    How often/long - 6 days a week, 45 mins
    Favorite thing - Lifting
    When did I start enjoying it - Once it became part of my daily routine
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    I've been a member for a month. I go 5-6 days a week, 30-45 minutes. I alternate cardio and strength training and have just begun to lift heavy. I wasn't getting the burn I felt I needed before. I try to maximize the little time I have to get the most workout (ie, intervals in cardio and the heavy lifting). Cardio is my chosen exercise, whether it's treadmill or elliptical. It's my therapy.
  • MJC22712
    MJC22712 Posts: 50 Member
    I've been a gym member for many many years, but in the past 2 1/2 years I've started going regularly. I go anywhere from 1- 6 times a week for 1-2 hours. I also workout at home on most days I don't go to the gym. Once I started going regularly the more I wanted to go, so maybe about 3 -4 weeks.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I've been a gym member for 4 yrs. I go 2 or 3 times a week.

    Mon. - Yoga

    Tues. - Weight training & cardio

    Thurs. - Weight training & cordio or Aqua Fit or Bootcamp Conditioning.

    I also use my treadmill at home twice a week & walk my dog at least once a week.

    I like Yoga the best, I do the other stuff because I feel that I need to change things up to be Wholly Healthy and it keeps me from getting bored. This year I even went to Yoga classes while on vacation but I have always used the hotel gym while traveling. I've always felt the need to go. But before I had a gym membership I would take different pay as you go classes or bike or swim or something. Hope this helps you!
  • kramalicious
    I have been a gym member for a year now. I changed trainers after half a year, and began to get better results and progress.
    When I first started I did Zumba, but really started to enjoy my membership after I started heavier weight lifting. I added yoga to help my core and now do weights, Zumba and yoga at least twice a week for each.

    I am usually there a little over an hour and a half, unless I choose to double up on classes such as taking zumba and then yoga. I always spend about 20 minutes stretching after my weight work out too.

    I go six days a week. Once I started analyzing what was working for me and not overdoing my workouts I really started to love it, When I got my new trainer, we clicked and that's when I truly started enjoying my workouts. If you pay for a trainer, you should have good working "chemistry" and be getting good results. The change for me was physical, because I got used to moving and handling my own body weight, and mental , because I had to ask myself what I really was trying to accomplish.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    Member basically forever....but just got back into it seriously in May.

    I go 7 days a week.

    Monday - Body Combat in the morning/Yoga at night
    Tuesday - Step in the morning/New Body at night
    Wednesday - Yogafit
    Thursday - Body Combat
    Friday - Step
    Saturday - Yoga (and sometimes Step depending on the instructor)
    Sunday - Yoga
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    How long have you been a gym member? 11 months.
    How often & how long do you work out for? I go 3-4 times a week and usually work out for 1 1-1/2 hours each time.
    What's your favorite thing to do at the gym? I usually warm up with 15 -25 minutes of cardio on the ellipitcial machine and then do one of the classes my gym offers that focuses on strength training either on land class or pool class.
    How long did it take you to enjoy and get that *feeling* of where you felt you just had to go? It didn't take me long at all to feel that way. Yesterday I was feeling icky before leaving work and my arm was killing me but I went to the gym anyways and worked out and felt great during and afterwards. I try not to do one machine too long. The people that treadmill or ellipitcal for an hour amaze me. I get bored fast so I need to only do 25 min at the max on the machines and then do the classes that fly by time wise!
    Good luck!
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I've been going to a gym since the late 1980's! What got me going regularly to a gym was that in my 20's through early 40's I was an avid racquetball player. In order to get to the B league then A league player level it took a lot of practice and playing time. So my routine became for the most part to play racquetball on at least Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday or Sunday. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday were weightlifting and cardio days.

    I hung up the racquet in 2004 due to a back issue but never stopped my strength training and cardio routines 4-6 days a week. The majority of my workouts are 75 to 90 minutes long which includes stretching and cool downs. I love a good old stairmaster I can get a good sweat going. I had that addictive feeling from the start, in the beginning it was because I loved playing racquetball but it is now about maintaining the healthy body I have been blessed with.
  • jpolinisse
    jpolinisse Posts: 149 Member
    How long have you been a gym member? Years, but more consistent in the last several months.
    How often & how long do you work out for? 60-90 minutes, about 5 days a week
    What's your favorite thing to do at the gym? I hate the gym. I do cardio and weight train.
    How long did it take you to enjoy and get that *feeling* of where you felt you just had to go? Never. I hate it.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Been a member for a few years but regular since May
    I go 4/5 days a week
    40-60 mins cardio, 30-40 mins strength
    It took me about a month before I felt like I belonged there but now it's second nature.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I've been a gym member for about 18 months and I go alternate days. I love running but, due to an old injury, can't run on a hard surface but I discovered that I can run on a treadmill! I run 5K and I find it so relaxing! I think it took a couple of months for me to get from the "making myself go to the gym" stage to the point where I really want to go, I tend to ignore other stuff that I should do (like the garden or the ironing) to free up time - bad girl!