NEW! Need to beat the Binge :(



  • That's my problem too it's so annoying it comes out of no where!
  • PaintedSwan
    The best advice I can give you is to drink two cups of water/decaf tea before eating anything.
    Hope that helps!:)
  • crisgetsfit14
    Oh my gosh @Brandolin... thank you for the info! A friend and I have gone back and forth about food addiction. I find myself overeating, and often times eating food that doesn't even taste good just because I can. It's embarrassing. People think because you don't purge it's not a problem. But it is. I'll eat from stress to boredom. I'm going to check out that site you mentioned. It really is mental but that's the hardest part, especially when no one really understands and you don't want to admit to anyone that this is an issue.

    binge eating is bad for your health and you mind. Usually it leads to Orthorexia, which I have also dealt with. The guilt, the urge to be as perfectly healthy as possible (vitamins, supplements, green juices/smoothies, detoxes etc). It's a vicious cycle that I've dealt with for 2 years and refused to admit to myself.

    I'm going to add all you ladies!