What small changes are you making to lose weight?



  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Weighing and logging every last thing, good day or bad day, come what may.
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    I cut out flavored creamer. I drink a lot of coffee, and when I started tracking calories, I realized that I was drinking about 500 or more calories a day in creamer. I still have sf flavors once in a while (like this week holiday sf peppermint mocha) but I don't make a habit of it.
  • niricava
    niricava Posts: 89 Member
    1 TB coffeemate per cup of coffee instead of who knows how much...
    counting calories and watching my portion sizes
    planning out my restaurant menu choices in advance
    getting some sort of exercise in every day
    running stairs a few times a day
    moving more instead of sitting all day at my desk job
  • AlyssasDiet
    -I've entirely switched to diet soda instead of regular, and when I get coffee I get the "light" versions.
    -When my husband and I go somewhere like a restaurant, if it's walking distance (so no more than probably 15 minutes walking one way) we'll just walk. (Which is great right now because it's November in Florida! Amazing weather.)
    -I make sure I know the calories in everything I eat, preferably before I eat it but if not after.
    -And I try to always take the stair now. (When I can find them.)
  • amandarama_
    I've made many changes. Aside from calorie counting and exercise, here are some small things I've changed.

    Parking in the furthest parking spot from the mall/store.
    Drinking water before meals.
    Chewing gum when I'm at work and feeling like I want to eat something.
    Waiting at least ten minutes before getting a second plate of dinner. (75% of the time I don't still feel like a second helping after waiting ten minutes)
    And always taking the stairs when given the option.

    And, in my opinion most importantly, ensuring I always make the best decisions possible food wise, without ever making myself feel like I am depriving myself of things. If I want something, I am going to have it. I might have less of it, and I'll make sure it fits into my calories.. but I still have it.

    Seems small, but things can really add up over time!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I've made many changes. Aside from calorie counting and exercise, here are some small things I've changed.

    Parking in the furthest parking spot from the mall/store.
    Drinking water before meals.
    Chewing gum when I'm at work and feeling like I want to eat something.
    Waiting at least ten minutes before getting a second plate of dinner. (75% of the time I don't still feel like a second helping after waiting ten minutes)
    And always taking the stairs when given the option.

    THESE ARE GREAT! Packing snacks is also key.

    I've just changed jobs, so my parking lot walk is 10 minutes shorter than it used to be...now to make up that 20 minutes....
  • sierra_leone08
    sierra_leone08 Posts: 10 Member
    Taking my dog for a walk more often for 30 - 60 minutes a day, making smoothies, trying to get back in the habit of using MFP now that I am smartphone less
  • amandarama_
    -I've entirely switched to diet soda instead of regular, and when I get coffee I get the "light" versions.
    -When my husband and I go somewhere like a restaurant, if it's walking distance (so no more than probably 15 minutes walking one way) we'll just walk. (Which is great right now because it's November in Florida! Amazing weather.)
    -I make sure I know the calories in everything I eat, preferably before I eat it but if not after.
    -And I try to always take the stair now. (When I can find them.)

    November in Canada, not quite the same... But we do the same when it's not winter! We'll walk to the store to get snacks if we want them for on lazing on the couch watching a movie.
  • judyberkowitz
    I've lost 28 pounds since the 1st of September. I have given up sugar and flour..Period. I found that if I put sugar on my oatmeal I was starving all day--no matter what I ate for lunch or dinner. I went to a wedding (I live overseas) and wedding dinners are really lavish--I probably had a 2000 calorie meal, but just started back the next day. I'm not beating myself up if I blow it. This is for the long haul.
  • sjeanpayd
    sjeanpayd Posts: 8 Member
    For those who have mentioned not using coffee creamer, I've substituted So Delicious coconut creamer. It's got a richer taste than skim milk but 0 fat. It does have sugar, though, but only 20 calories per 2 TBS. Thanks to everyone who has commented, it does help. I have discovered that keeping the weight off is more of a challenge than losing it. Maintenance is much more of a challenge.
    Those exercise and eating habits have stuck, and slipping into the previous habits is difficult. If I slide for a day, there is always tomorrow. The exercise or walking or doing some physical activity instead of eating does help!!
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    More water & I cut out soda. :)
  • MRL1107
    Trying to make sure I'm eating more veggies instead of pasta's/breads...Little swaps for things that really are doing nothing but making my waistline grow. Definitely cutting WAY back on fast food and packing my lunch during the work week. I'm just trying to make smarter choices.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Probably am going to stop eating back my exercise calories.
  • emmyles
    I switched out regular white bread for small whole wheat pita.
    I started using the Eat to Live logic that salad is the main part of the meal but added on that 'meats and carbs are sides'.
    When going out to eat I check out the menu before hand and have planned what I am eating and I share a dessert with friends and/or family.
    Instead of soda pop, I started drinking sparkling water with lime.
  • Najib54
    Besides what you are doing already and exercise I would check out the information @ http://bit.do/dvBu The folks that are on this program are losing weight quickly but safely.
  • tlh2661
    tlh2661 Posts: 3 Member
    Whole wheat ISO white, leave off cheese when ordering sandwich or salad, parking farther away to increase steps, drinking 100oz of water a day, and logging everything on MFP!
  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    I have been upping the water intake and I'm only allowing myself one soda a week.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I have cut out soda - regilular or diet - I get a weight spike when I drink either one. And I changed my full fat half and half to fat free at home. They provide the full fat at my office so I use half what I use at home.
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I give my dog the crust off my pizza =)
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    Less meat-n-cheese, more fruit-n-veg: leave off the cheese sometimes, go for the veggie wrap instead of the turkey or roast beef sandwich.

    Replacing side of fries or baked potato with a salad if we eat out.