New to Myfitness pal! Want supporters!

Hi! I am new to this website a co worker from my job told me about it and I thought i'd try it out. I need some supporters! I live in a small apartment with my boyfriend, his sister and her 3 year old daughter. They do not eat very healthy and I barely have time to workout with all the homework I have. I work and go to school full time. I'm trying to loose weight and I know you need both diet and exercise, and I'm trying my best to fit in workout times but I really want to find ways to eat healthy. With or without them! They are just so picky and make weird faces or complain when I try to buy something the slightest bit healthy. Any support of people wanting to eat healthier or recipes of food that you thing someone like them might like would be greatly appreciated. I want to try to find at least somethings we can all eat to help me loose weight and be healthy in general. Thanks! :)


  • _sayuri_
    _sayuri_ Posts: 4 Member
    hey :)

    i'm also new to this site and my situation is similar to yours... so feel free to add me - maybe we can help each other :)