Jelly Bean sabotage

So I've had great day, nothing special but just a good day, got great news from my calliper readings - I'm down to 28% body fat (from 37% in June) and lean tissue mass is up by 1lb from my last reading three weeks ago - so feeling very up-beat.

So why do I come home - eat my healthy and yummy and filling dinner and then scarf down nearly a hundred gourmet jelly beans even after I've had my sweet hit (Choxy - gluten free, dairy free, sugar free chocolate)?

I consider myself to be a fairly intelligent woman but this not rational. I burnt the same amount of calories I just ate in my circuit training today but that's not the point. It wasn't a treat. I wasn't bored or hungry. I wasn't upset, I'm not hormonally challenged at present. I'm not feeling guilty. I'm really mad at myself!

It's the psychology of this binging behaviour that I wish I could get a handle on! I want to understand WHY!
