NROLFW - quick question...

Does anyone here follow NROLFW? (New rules of Lifting for Women)
I'm about to buy the book, but as I don't go to a gym, I want to know if I'd be able to do it at home, using my home weights, I have an olympic bar with changeable weights and dumbells that I change weights, I also have a swiss ball and am considering buying a 5-6kg medicine ball? Any clues before I waste another $25!! :) Many thanks all :) I'd really like to give this a go.


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    You will need a lot of weight. Someone else hopefully will tell you how much. There is a NROLFW group to try asking there if you don't get any response here.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hmmm, that might be tough. I briefly used that book, but from what I remember there are back exercises (like seated rows) and whatnot that you are supposed to go up in weight each week or so and with a limited amount of weights available to you that could prove difficult.

    Still with that being said I don't think it's a bad idea to buy the book because it explains a lot about lifting. I think it's probably doable but a gym would make it a lot easier
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    It is a fantastic book, I am about to start stage 5. The book will give you alternative exercises if you don't have the gym equipment available. So yes, you can follow the program at home. Not sure if a medicine ball would be necessary though. And I second jumping into the NROLFW group on MFP.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Skip the medicine ball. You'll need an adjustable bench and a squat rack or some other way to hold the bar so you can get under it. Here's the link to the MFP group. Use the search function to find several other posts regarding your same question.