lost 45...gained 20! Ughh!


Today is my 480th day in a row on myfitnesspal. Yay! At one point I had lost 45 pounds, but I've gained about 20 back. I DON'T want to be one of those lost weight/gained it back stories. I KNOW my diet has slipped recently. I seem to have come undone following a five-day juice fast. Go figure.

Also, I have been walking a LOT over the year-plus and I wonder if the exercise is not as effective.

Thanks for reading and support.



  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    I can relate, I have gained back about one-third to half of what I'd lost, simply because I stopped being mindful of my eating. I also have been allowing myself to overindulge in bad habits that encourage overeating. I'm working on getting back on track by eliminating some of my triggers and being conscientious about logging everything I eat, even if it isn't pretty.

    Good luck to you! If walking is your primary form of exercise (though your profile pic makes it look like you're into more of a variety of activities), I would agree that you might want to change things up. Try something new, or of a different intensity, or throw in some resistance training. I'm sure you will be able to get those 20 lb back off, if you put your mind to it! :drinker:
  • lambchoplewis
    I did the same thing. I had reached my goal weight and maintained for 6 months. I used to weigh every day (controversial but it keeps me from shoving things into my mouth), log food and exercise and read these posts to stay motivated. Then in May, I started sitting outside in the nice weather and had a glass of wine. This led to two, three and the bottle. I started doing this every night. I continued to eat right (tried to but usually had munchies and ate late) and exercise. I gained 10 lbs back.. I stopped weighing, logging etc. I am now back on track. Hardest part was getting on the scale the first time as I was very sad. I am 5 days w/out alcohol, eating right, exercising and reading these posts. It works for me as I am a black and white type person. No is easier for me that having a little of this or that.

    You can do it!!!