Hey I'm Mariya- Ready for new things!

Hey Everyone! My name is Mariya, i am 19 going on 20 soon. I am 6 ft, and embarrassingly 100kgs (220pounds). I have been overweight since i can remember. I didn't realize my weight was a serious issue until i went to a doctors appointment for a common cold, where they weighed me. They told me I was overweight and to loose weight. I'm a sensitive person so I really didn't take it well. I suppose because I'm so tall I carried my weight well and didn't take it to seriously.

I'm at university now, Studying English Lit & Creative writing. I wan't to change, and My motivation is prominent. My Goal weight is between 60kgs and 70kgs. I Plan on going to the gym 2 hours a day (As crazy as It seems) (1 Hour Cardio and 30 Min ST) and of course leading a disciplined diet.

My Mother has diabetes and Leukemia, She is my inspiration. Of course I want to look amazing in clothes because It seems as if they only cater to Skinny Minnie's.

I'm new to this Amazing Website and hope to follow you guys on your journeys as well. I love the support of this website it's literally amazing. I wish to make new friends too so please add me and message me!

God Bless to you all !


  • Rainyday816
    Rainyday816 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey there! I think we have pretty similar goals - I'm also 19, in college, and I started at about 212 pounds. It sounds like you have a good mindset - welcome to MFP! If you're looking for any friends, send me a request! =)
  • chz0592
    Hey, I'm Christina! I'm in a similar situation to you! I'm 21 and in college. I've been on my weight loss journey since my senior year of high school and I went from 220 lbs to my current 180. I'm 5'9, so still technically overweight but I am making progress. It's exciting to meet someone who is one the same track to fitness that I'm on. :)