Uni student with pushy flatmates

Just wondering if anyone had any advice for me.

I live in a flat with 8 other people so it's a pretty sociable place to live but the problem is that people keep on suggesting that we go out and do things.

Just to list the suggestions so far
- Cocktail bar
- Going to the beach and getting doughnuts
- Frankie and Bennys (italian restaurant)
- Takeaways - Indian, Chinese, Pizza
- Having a night out - going to a club and takeaway after (take into account we are students meaning a LOT of alcohol)
- All you can eat breakfast

there's probably a few I'm missing but you get the gist. I want to hang out with them but I don't want to be eating so many calories every time we go out as a group and the only thing I can think of is to stay in but that means completely isolating myself. Any suggestions for going out and still being able to keep the calories low?


  • Grenon
    Grenon Posts: 228 Member
    I know what you mean, just something you have to plan around. You can do all those things but just limit yourself. You can go out for food but eat within your calories, if you don't know what each meal is look for equivalents in the database. Also for when they go out for snacks such as donuts go ahead with them! But just yourself a beverage such as a coffee or tea! Also don't forget to let yourself have a fun one off time every week or two going out with friends!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Go out with them but don't eat what they eat? That's what I did in college and I went out several times a week doing many of the things you described (except the beach because... landlocked).
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Ouch I'd say just try to cut down on cals best you can when you do go out. Maybe try some "skinny" version of your drinks or load up on some fruit at breakfasts. Good luck! I usually panic and either back out or screw up and go over lol xD
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    For informal settings (like the beach), how about packing your own food to take along? That way you can enjoy socializing, they can have their food and you can have yours.

    Recently my partner and I did a mall run. I packed a small cooler with my own lunch, which I ate in the food court while she enjoyed her fast food.

    It's tougher to do with more formal settings like a restaurant. In those cases I have a filling meal at home and then order a small or light dish, or sometimes just have coffee.

    The bottom line is that this is socializing, of which eating is only a small part. Your flatmates enjoying their food doesn't have to prevent you from enjoying their company (and from them enjoying yours).
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Don't give in.
    My friends are the biggest bunch of eaters & drinkers. They didn't get it when I'd go out with them & NOT eat pizza or drink until I barfed. They get used to it.
  • saamantha
    I agree with everyone else! Just because they'll be drinking or eating junk doesn't mean you have to be. Stick to a vodka soda, or something low calorie if you want to drink alcohol, and if you know where you're going to eat then see if the restaurant has any nutritional info ahead of time.
    I go out at least three times a week, and I've maintained my 50lb loss for almost a year. It was tough at first, but going out can actually be a great opportunity to burn calories. Dancing, bowling, walking around; it all adds up if you're making the right decisions regarding food and alcohol :)
  • kmc288
    Uni can be hard, I've blamed uni for putting on 20 kilos, but funny thing is even after I left I am still holding onto those 20 kgs. Hmm cant be uni after all. Dont get me wrong its where all the bad habits started and I totally feel for you. But its about you're choices and getting the support of you're housemates. They need to respect that you don't want to drink all the time etc. also eating out and drinking all the time can be a money soak so perhaps suggesting to them a BBQ at home etc. where you can all cook up different foods, some healthy some otherwise.

    Its all about the portion control and knowing what you can and cant have, without depriving yourself entirely.

    Just some examples of what I would do in your situations listed (although I highly doubt I would of been able to when I was at uni myself, I've learnt alot since then).

    Cocktails - enjoy yourself, have one if you want one but then move onto diet soda or even just plain old water with a sqeeze of lemon or lime.
    Beach - Suggest a couple of watermelons or rock melons instead, I'm sure most of them will love the idea, cool and refreshing or go to the beach but don't have any donuts, maybe buy yourself a bottle of water while everyone else is eating donuts, that way you can keep sucking on the bottle to distract yourself from the donuts.
    Drinking - All the clean eaters are gonna hate me but go for a diet soda or soda water with a twist of lemon or lime, my favourite is coke zero, looks like coke, and if your friends are pressuring you to drink you cant even tell there is alcohol in it.

    Mind you thats if you really have to 'pretend' you are drinking you shouldnt have to they should respect that you are there to have a great time with them but you are chosing to be a bit healthier. Doesnt mean you cant have a little bit of junk once a week/fortnight. You may even find you're not the only one in the house trying to do the same.

    Good Luck.