Any busy moms out there for support



  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Hello! I am in the same boat but I am starting to workout a time for me. We just have to learn to squeeze it in. I work 8 hours a day and on my lunch I go and work out. I eat my lunch after or before workout.
  • ny77il
    ny77il Posts: 8 Member
    Add me to the list... There just aren't enough hours in the day. I have two boys, ages 6 and 8. I work FT (luckily close to home), but my husband has a 1hr+ commute to work each way. Since we have one car, there's a lot of coordination that happens to during the week to get everyone where they need to be. Also not only trying to get myself healthy, I'm also trying to commit to a better lifestyle change for the whole family by cooking at home more, packing lunches, getting more exercise and spending more quality time together.

    I've been trying to wake up at 5:30am to use the treadmill but that's only if I get to bed before midnight. When I do get up that early, I really enjoy the 30 mins to myself before everyone wakes up. If I don't do it in the morning, I will squeeze a workout in after the boys go to bed. It's been a process to figure out what works for us, but so far so good. Would love to get support and see what works for others.
  • purplebags
    purplebags Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I am back on the weight loss wagon again and am looking for support, as well as to encourage others. I am a mom of three kids, Ages 10 (girl) and two boys (7) and(5). I also work full time at a stressful job. I also happen to be the only one with kids at my job. My husband travels occasionally, but tends to work long hours. In fact, I called got called home today since my little guy had a fever. Sigh. About two years a go I lost 40 pounds, and felt great. You know the rest of the story, it's back and I am 42 years old, I think my metabolism is dead! HELP!!! LOL
  • Single Mom to a busy 4 year old here! Feel free to add for extra support :smile:
  • I am right there with ya! I work full time, school full time.. being a mom... Seems like the minutes I have left should be reserved for relaxing. But I just remember my goal and work out when I can. For example today I only had about 20 minutes during my lunch break so I just did what I could. Tonight after the family goes to bed I'll do about 45 minutes of zumba.
  • heathercd
    heathercd Posts: 20 Member
    I totally am in your shoes!!! I'm the mom to a one year old and also currently working on my MSN. Would love support from another busy mom!
  • manique45
    manique45 Posts: 99 Member
    ME ME ME!!!!!! lol I have 3 kids, ages 9, 7 and 2 yrs old tomorrow :o) I work full time, and I am going to school full time. Part of my school I have enlisted in the ARMY ROTC program, Its very physcially demanding and time demanding. My schedule looks like this:

    M- ARMY PT- 6am formation and exercise Work 8 am-4 5-6 night class
    T- Work 6am- 5pm Army Class 10-noon
    W-Repeat of Monday
    Thurs - 5:15 am formation Field exercises until Noon - 12:30 to 5 pm Work!!
    Friday Repeat of Monday and Wednesday

    SATURDAY and SUNDAY - Work out on my own (maybe have a rest day) Try to spend time with my babies and finish all my Homework!!! I also make sure to clean the house and get a nap :o)

    So on average I am gone from home from 5am until 6 or 7 pm most days... Grocery shopping and homework all manages to get done... I also prepack my food the night before so I can eat healthy and not starve or make bad food choices the next day... Some times I forget to pack so I'll stop and get a salad or look up cals for fast food... One of my go to foods is McDonalds grilled Chicken Chilli wrap... YUM Sodium is probably through the roof but its only every once in a while :o)

    We can do this Moms :o) If I can anyone can!!!!
  • Here! I have 5 kids (14), (11), (9), (5) and 10 months. I work full time and have been working out regularly for the past 2 months, but NOT loosing. I know its what I am eating. Its making me crazy. I lost the weight after the first 4, but it seems much tougher this time!
  • mwitt07
    mwitt07 Posts: 77 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I have a teenager and a 5 year old. I work full time and so does my husband. Unfortunately he gets up at 4:00 a.m. for work so he pretty much hits the mattress after supper so I am left with helping my son with his homework and cleaning the house along with everything else. Gets busy but I still find time to get my 5 miles in per day.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    I am a stay-at-home mom to a 5 year old son. He goes to school in the afternoons so I get 2.5 hours a day to fit in a home workout or my errands. Today it was errands. Hubby's job is such that he might be home at 7pm might be home at midnight all depends on what clients need him and when. Luckily we belong to a club where I can skate some mornings and put my son in the daycare.

    It's tough and totally get where you are coming from.
  • believeinme0430
    believeinme0430 Posts: 270 Member
    Feel free to add me...single mom to a 5yr old girl. I have lost 90lbs so far and have about another 60lbs to go. I just started back onto my fitness pal.
  • klg1128
    klg1128 Posts: 5 Member
    Busy working mom to 4 beautiful girls.. I recently decided it was time for me to make a change.. I jumped on the MFP bandwagon in August and I must say that it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be.. I'm actually enjoying the challenge..

    Feel free to add me..
  • I work full time and have to kids under two.... 18 months and a 2 month old.....I workout when they go to bed. You just have to make time for yourself.
  • Here! I have 5 kids (14), (11), (9), (5) and 10 months. I work full time and have been working out regularly for the past 2 months, but NOT loosing. I know its what I am eating. Its making me crazy. I lost the weight after the first 4, but it seems much tougher this time!

    ..... its tougher because you have had 5 kids! :) I only have two kids...I have no idea how you do it! lol
  • claudy_dotti
    claudy_dotti Posts: 3 Member
    3 kids, hubby, full time job, sports practices, events, school, homework, etc...i'm super busy ALL the time. haha.
  • I have a son who is 6 months old and I am trying to lose the rest of this baby weight finally!! Cant keep saying I just had a baby that excuse is getting old. I started my diet and going back to the gym on Monday. I have dropped 2 pounds so far and my goal is at least 35 pounds. I am currently 198 the biggest I have ever been in my 5'7 frame. Working full time and being a full time mommy can be a challenge, BUT WE CAN ALL DO THIS!!
  • f1usah
    f1usah Posts: 10
    I'm a mom of three - 12, 10 and 9 - and I work full time. My day starts at 5:30 a.m. and doesn't end until my head hits the pillow. I just recently re-started my journey after finally realizing that it's ok to take time to take care of myself. It's only taken 15 years to get to this point lol. It's not easy, but then again, nothing ever is right? Please feel free to add me :)
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    Crazy busy mom here, and always looking for great MFP's!! I have 3 kids of my own that live with my boyfriend and I, he has 2 kids that live with us 50% of the time, on top of that I am going through nasty family court drama, and in the middle of a criminal trial with my ex for assault,I also work full-time, 3 of the 5 kids play hockey, my son on rep, and my boyfriend plays hockey as well. Just reading this makes me tired!! So anyone that wants a new friend add me up, I can always use the support and occasional kick in the butt to get moving!!
  • Marymoe138
    Marymoe138 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey there! I work from home and I understand the need for support. My day starts at 5:30 AM and winds down finally around 9:30. I would love to support you if you would do the same in return.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    well let's see.... I work 10 hours a day... husband works different shifts (retail).. I have a 20yr old daughter who just moved away, a 14yo son that has ADHD/ODD (so every night is a homework chore) and a 6yo princess girl (diva... did I mention.. DIVA). My workout time - 4:30AM lol