lowest point and how you got through it?

I'm pretty much having a crap few days , where I am simply struggling to get out of bed, if it wasn't for the fact I am a live in nanny is still be in bed! Not been sleeping well, just rather sad really. I have still been going to the gym, I guess using it as stress realise but still falling apart. Normally I'd grab some friends and go for tea but as I have just moved to Amsterdam it isn't quite as easy! I have dealt with a few worse things but I do not want to reach that point ever again!

Has anyone really struggled emotionally along this whole weight loss journey and if so how did you get through it? (Needing a tad more support than looking at pictures today)

Thanks :-)


  • lambchoplewis
    I love Amsterdam!! I live in central Ohio in the States and it sucks. So that is something you have to be happy about. Now onto the weight. I understand completely. I always said "tomorrow I will start" but tomorrow comes and goes. Now Today is my best friend. You have moved and have a new job and that alone with make you sad. Add to that the weight and the loss you want and voila - depression. Just make small changes. Tea instead of food (get some flavored tea like raspberry). You will soon get out of the funk.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    I don't want to be a holier than thou jerk, but see my pic? That was after 3 surgeries that year for cancer. I had another one to follow 2 months after that pic was taken. I could have given up on maintaining. No one would blame one bit. But I didn't. Why would I cheat myself? It took A LOT to get back, but nothing feels sweeter. Stop moaning, and get it done.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    I don't want to be a holier than thou jerk, but see my pic? That was after 3 surgeries that year for cancer. I had another one to follow 2 months after that pic was taken. I could have given up on maintaining. No one would blame one bit. But I didn't. Why would I cheat myself? It took A LOT to get back, but nothing feels sweeter. Stop moaning, and get it done.

    This helps me thru' the down days...weeks.
    Someone has always been thru' something worse and manages to pick themselves up and that inspires me......
    ( thanks sunglasses, by the way :)) )
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    I don't want to be a holier than thou jerk, but see my pic? That was after 3 surgeries that year for cancer. I had another one to follow 2 months after that pic was taken. I could have given up on maintaining. No one would blame one bit. But I didn't. Why would I cheat myself? It took A LOT to get back, but nothing feels sweeter. Stop moaning, and get it done.

    You re totally aloud to be holier than now when you manage that! Looking great!
  • kellybellyjellyn
    Hey !! Yep I've struggled.. I've suffered from Binge eating disorder in the past and food was always a comfort... I always turned to food. Once, after a really emotional situation that I don't feel comfortable going into here, I ate so much food that I had to call my Mum and ask her to bring me to the hospital because I was afraid I had ruptured my stomach from eating too much..

    Alls I can say about hard times and weight loss is this.. It's easy to eat all the junk that you think will make you feel better. And it will make you feel better... For about 5 minutes.. then you feel crap.. then you eat again.. and so on and so on until you feel like a complete failure..

    If you are feeling down please don't turn to food.. It's your friend in the sense it nourishes and provides fuel for living but in regards to emotional eating and filling yourself with junk.. It's the enemy.

    What will make you feel better though.. is looking after yourself. Stick with your goal and your plan.. eat well and look after yourself.

    Times do get hard. We are emotional beings who have feelings and Life is pretty dismal at times.

    When I get down.. I try my hardest to be good to my body... It actually gives me something to focus on and like I have some sort of control.. because we cant always control our environment and sometimes things happen that are out of our control, and we cant do anything about them.. but we can help ourselves !!

    Take a bath.. make something delicious and good for you. Cycle !!

    Cycling has been amazing for me and lifting my mood.

    Take it easy. Watch something you love ! Shave your legs ! Anything that will make you feel a bit better about yourself is bound to help.


    Ps. It's gets better.. Life isn't always rosey.. but there are rosey moments and remember that.
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    Hey !! Yep I've struggled.. I've suffered from Binge eating disorder in the past and food was always a comfort... I always turned to food. Once, after a really emotional situation that I don't feel comfortable going into here, I ate so much food that I had to call my Mum and ask her to bring me to the hospital because I was afraid I had ruptured my stomach from eating too much..

    Alls I can say about hard times and weight loss is this.. It's easy to eat all the junk that you think will make you feel better. And it will make you feel better... For about 5 minutes.. then you feel crap.. then you eat again.. and so on and so on until you feel like a complete failure..

    If you are feeling down please don't turn to food.. It's your friend in the sense it nourishes and provides fuel for living but in regards to emotional eating and filling yourself with junk.. It's the enemy.

    What will make you feel better though.. is looking after yourself. Stick with your goal and your plan.. eat well and look after yourself.

    Times do get hard. We are emotional beings who have feelings and Life is pretty dismal at times.

    When I get down.. I try my hardest to be good to my body... It actually gives me something to focus on and like I have some sort of control.. because we cant always control our environment and sometimes things happen that are out of our control, and we cant do anything about them.. but we can help ourselves !!

    Take a bath.. make something delicious and good for you. Cycle !!

    Cycling has been amazing for me and lifting my mood.

    Take it easy. Watch something you love ! Shave your legs ! Anything that will make you feel a bit better about yourself is bound to help.


    Ps. It's gets better.. Life isn't always rosey.. but there are rosey moments and remember that.

    Thanks :-) I should cycle it is Amsterdam after all but I swear I am the only person in Holland who never learned!
  • I suppose my weakest point was when i was at my heaviest 83kg - i couldnt walk for 10 mins without getting tired and feeling HEAVY. I broke up with my ex fiance and I decided my best foot forward was to find an amazing trainer and use the money i earnt just to train and get the weight off again! but this time for good.

    All i did was work and train solidly for 4 months (had no social life as i knew that my lack of confidence would make me eat). It has really paid off - not only have i toned up and lost weight but i have gained confidence. At the moment i weigh 77kg. I just want to keep on going and going until i look better than i want to look.

    I want to be able to the exercises my trainer can do too!

    this time i know i can do it and so can u
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Has anyone really struggled emotionally along this whole weight loss journey and if so how did you get through it? (Needing a tad more support than looking at pictures today)

    Weight loss, relationships, kids...I've struggled in them all. To the point of being diagnose with depression and anxiety. At the point I looked inward instead of outward for ways to sooth my soul. I found the outward things I was doing, like exercise and eating well, really complimented my inward thoughts an emotions. There is a balance I needed to find for myself with mind, body, and spirit.

    Might be worth seeing if you can tackle some of those demons inside that cause the negativity.

  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    My husband and I have been trying for 5 years to start a family. Even after a 50lbs loss, a round of birth control to even out my cycles (didn't help), even getting him tested (of course he's fine) I still wasn't getting pregnant. Throw in a horrible boss who liked to comment that I was 'wearing my tight pants today' and that 'a man would have to be rich to put a ring on my finger', and eventually I gained back 40 of the 50 I had lost.

    I had to get into a better mindset before I could do anything about it. No good losing weight if I can't keep it off. I needed to change my attitude towards various stressers before I can be truly successful.