Hello from Cincinnati, Ohio!

MyFitnessGuy Posts: 14
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone!

I stumbled upon this website and for the life of me can't even remember how but it's a great addition to keeping me motivated by giving me a nice food tracker and a group of like-minded people who love to be healthy.

Please add me as a friend if want. I love to communicate with others and share common goals.

I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio and I've recently lost over 30 pounds and I'm back in my "fighting shape" as they say and I'm not stopping there. I have a lot of work to do but with this site it will make it even more fun!

Take care and hope to talk to you soon!


  • luvinit
    luvinit Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Scott and welcome! I've found this site to be very helpful! Congratulations on already losing 30 lbs.!
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