Low Carb High Protein Recipes?

Really having a hard time meeting my protein goals for the day without going over my carbs and fat. What are some of your favorites recipes/foods when you're getting down to the wire for your numbers?


  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Cottage cheese, cold cuts, and when all else fails a protein shake. You're better off planning for high protein meals before you get down to the wire though. So plan meals with lean meats and non-starchy veggies. Then you won't have to worry about getting down to the wire on your protein goals.
  • Heres some ideas for you


    I think a good way to do it is think about what you want to eat and then if its really high in starchy carbs then just to substitute. If you want pasta and meat sauce you could do meat sauce on a bed of shredded up zucchini. If you want stir fry, throw some cauliflower in a food processer until its sort of chunky like rice, etc.

    Got to be creative on low carb or you'll go insane!