excellent blog about how we talk to ourselves


I know it's an important thing for me.

Am I being my best supporter? Or am I just a nag?
Would I keep a friend around when all they do is berate me every time I don't make the wisest choice?


  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I'm a supporter and a nag. Or is it an Angel and a Devil? Every time I see a smaller number on the scale, my Angelic side sings a praise, but my Devilish side says "Yeah, yeah, but you're still fat". I'm OK with this since it seems a reasonable and realistic way to think about where I am.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    My little Devil says, you're down this week you can have a doughnut or TWO! That's same little rascal said it was too cold and rainy to go to the gym last night too. I have got to shut that loudmouth up already!