Need some help knowing what to eat

I would like to know what are the best things to stay away from when starting my weight loss journey and what should i try to include in my meals?


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    What you eat really doesn't matter as long as you are below your calorie goals, so it boils down to what works for you.

    Most people feel fuller on lean protein, veggies, and complex carbs (high fiber). But, don't demonize food and say you can never have xx because then you gorge on whatever when you have the craving, and then guilt sets in. Many people say eat 80-90% "real" food, and then mix in treats. Others say that trying to label foods "real" or "good" (besides meeing 8947 different things to different people) is part of the problem.

    So, basically, eat what keeps you feeling full, energized and helps you achieve your goals.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Eat whatever you want as long as you stay in budget. Proteins will keep you satiated longer, carbs burn off fast. Just log your food and you'll soon see which things cost too many calories for you. There are no foods that make you lose weight or gain weight. Eating too much makes you fat.
  • try to avoid drinking your calories! That was a big thing for me. I liked soda and juice and creamer and stuff like that. its such a waste of good cals. Now all I drink is unsweet tea, water and my coffee. I do still have creamer but its my one thing I give myself. lol

    Everyones journey is different so the best thing for you to do for yourself is to log for like a week, eat what you feel is the right thing. Make good choices (i.e. veggies instead of bread and butter, or fruit instead of cake) and at the end of that week you can look on the site and see how things went for you. You can see the calorie intake and fats and everything. in my opinion protein should be higher than carbs. and you should have at least one veggie with every meal. :) but as I said, everyone is different.

    also. drink lots of water! this is critical to flushing the body. and sometimes when you feel hungry, your body is actually just craving hydration. so before you eat, drink a glass of water.

    hope this helped some!
  • What you eat really doesn't matter as long as you are below your calorie goals, so it boils down to what works for you.

    Most people feel fuller on lean protein, veggies, and complex carbs (high fiber). But, don't demonize food and say you can never have xx because then you gorge on whatever when you have the craving, and then guilt sets in. Many people say eat 80-90% "real" food, and then mix in treats. Others say that trying to label foods "real" or "good" (besides meeing 8947 different things to different people) is part of the problem.

    So, basically, eat what keeps you feeling full, energized and helps you achieve your goals.

    I love everything you just said!
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Eat healthy. Throw out all the junk food. No high fat foods. Eat lean protein, fish, poultry, beef. Eat fresh vegetables. Try to eat foods that do not come in a package. Count calories. Eat less, move more.
  • David482
    Fatty foods and lack of exercise caused fatness and weight gain.Avoid all high protein food like meats, nuts, grains, cheese, fast foods, fried and dairy products. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, yogurt, drink green tea, fruit juices and plenty of water. It burns fat,make strong bones and muscles, boost energy, improve heart functions and improve fitness.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Fatty foods and lack of exercise caused fatness and weight gain. Avoid all high protein food like meats, nuts, grains, cheese, fast foods, fried and dairy products. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, yogurt, drink green tea, fruit juices and plenty of water. It burns fat,make strong bones and muscles, boost energy, improve heart functions and improve fitness.

    Fat doesn't make you fat. Protein helps to retain and repair your lean muscle mass.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eat to meet your nutritional needs. Anything left over, eat treats that you like.

    In other words, eat for both health and satisfaction within your calorie goals.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Fatty foods and lack of exercise caused fatness and weight gain.Avoid all high protein food like meats, nuts, grains, cheese, fast foods, fried and dairy products. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, yogurt, drink green tea, fruit juices and plenty of water. It burns fat,make strong bones and muscles, boost energy, improve heart functions and improve fitness.
    ^This is horrible advice.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    From Michael Pollan: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants

    Enjoy your food
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I suggest Wendy's, McDonald's, and Taco Bell. They have some good options if you're careful with your calories. :drinker:
  • 50racinggirl
    50racinggirl Posts: 96 Member
    I would like to know what are the best things to stay away from when starting my weight loss journey and what should i try to include in my meals?

    Divide your plate into four sections. In once section, place your protein, in another a fruit, in another a veggie and the last one a whole grain of some kind. You can also opt for two sections of veggies and skip the whole grain.
  • cassieubanks
    cassieubanks Posts: 18 Member
    I agree. That is horrible advice.
    You should use common sense when you put something in your mouth. For example, if you had to choose between a big mac meal and a skinless chicken breast with a side of broccoli, the latter would be healthier. Remember that you want to be under your calorie goal for the day. Anything you burn off with exercise will drop fat from your body. Don't deny yourself, but if you choose to eat some icecream, count the calories and realize that it means you probably have to have a lighter dinner to compensate.
    Common sense.