looking to make friends in Philadelphia

Hello everyone, well I'm back on here once again. My name is Liz and I'm 32 years old. I am very motivated right now and hoping to stay that way. As of right now I have list 20 pounds...12 of it when using myfitnesspal. I am open to making friends from all over, but I am mainly looking for friends in phila or that go to the planet fitness in clifton heights or would like to go with me on my membership. I love meeting new people and just looking to support others and have tgem support me on our weight lose journey


  • jennwren77
    jennwren77 Posts: 76 Member
    Hey Liz,
    Congratulations on the 20lb loss! I know how hard it is to stay motivated, but I found that if I rely on other people for the motivation I would stay disappointed. I was stood up so many times for exercise dates that I'm used to it now.

    I actually joined a few groups on another site to find more people in the area with similar interests and it worked out great. I would get notices of yoga, aerobics, classes...all kinds of activites and the best part was meeting new people who you would see at other activities

    If I were closer to Clifton Heights I would definitely take you up on the offer. If you want info on the other site, inbox me.