Week 2 of Atkins & I 'm tempted to stray....

argh.... so annoying... im loving the whole Atkins vibe... had great weight loss so far, but iv been doing it for 2 weeks and i dont know if its just psychological but i feel like being naughty and having some chocolate or something.... im not bothered about potatoes and bread (i have PCOS and now see them as they enemy :)) i v always had a sweet tooth and feel like munching about 10 bars in one go!!! HELLLPPPP


  • billymacintosh
    billymacintosh Posts: 71 Member
    I've done Atkins a few times in my life with varying degrees of success and if there's one thing I've learnt is that if you genuinely can stick to it and be mega strict it really does work. However I also think that as a lifestyle and I believe Atkins is designed as such (rather than a stop gap diet) it is just way too restrictive and few people can commit to a whole life of permanent removal of certain food stuffs. Once you stop or get into bad habits the weight does just seem to fall back on! I take my hat off to you if you can maintain this.
    In my opinion a less restrictive diet which has a bit more room for flexibility is definitely the way to go. That way you can get away with occasional indulgence in moderation :smile:
    Billy x
  • GeorgieT23
    thanks billy, i have lots to lose so its definately a lifestyle change for me... which is y im trying to resist the urge!

    its literally only chocolate i want!!! :sad:

    i feel weak.... i shud b strong and eat a hard boiled egg instead lol :sick:
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Has your doctor told you to restrict some type of foods from your diet?
  • GeorgieT23
    no but i have PCOS and after doing a lot of research, found that low carb diets r they way to go for us...

    im currently on induction but as i have so much to lose i am staying on it for a bit longer x
  • Beana1997
    Once upon a time, I went on Atkins for a whole month and lost like 20 pounds. I stuck right to the plan and didn't cheat, it was so worth it! I wanted grilled cheese sandwiches all. The. Time. Lol . I always kept busy though... avoided the kitchen as much as I could. It really helped! I drank a lot of water too.. try counting to one hundred if a craving comes on. That will give you time to really think about the consequences (guilt, a full blown binge, ruining the ketosis phase) HOWEVER! ..there was a proven study in a Women's World magazine that if you slip up on accident, going right back to Atkins the next morning won't effect you. Don't slip up often though of course! Stay strong and feel free to add me if you want! Sorry this is long
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    no but i have PCOS and after doing a lot of research, found that low carb diets r they way to go for us...

    im currently on induction but as i have so much to lose i am staying on it for a bit longer x

    I found some nice chocolate made with stevia that was low cal, try that?
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Once upon a time, I went on Atkins for a whole month and lost like 20 pounds. I stuck right to the plan and didn't cheat, it was so worth it! I wanted grilled cheese sandwiches all. The. Time. Lol . I always kept busy though... avoided the kitchen as much as I could. It really helped! I drank a lot of water too.. try counting to one hundred if a craving comes on. That will give you time to really think about the consequences (guilt, a full blown binge, ruining the ketosis phase) HOWEVER! ..there was a proven study in a Women's World magazine that if you slip up on accident, going right back to Atkins the next morning won't effect you. Don't slip up often though of course! Stay strong and feel free to add me if you want! Sorry this is long

    That's awesome, I lost 22 lbs in a month once by eating whatever I wanted but staying in my calorie goals!
  • mychellelynne
    mychellelynne Posts: 122 Member
    I have PCOS too. Low carb really is the best way to go. It is hard, very hard. I usually make it a month then have a bad day or two and go back to it. I wish you the best of luck tho! PCOS really does limit our options as far as diets go.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    i lost 85 lbs in 6 months doing atkins.. I slipped and ended up gaining it all back... Im a carb junkie and my downfall ended up being milk and cookies in the end lol. I am considering going back on Atkins actually. I too have PCOS and carbs make me feel horrible!
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    I never did Atkins, but I am almost 100% sure that one piece of chocolate or even 1 whole bar of chocolate, won't ruin all the work you have done for the past 2 weeks! I would allow myself a break and start fresh in the morning, otherwise you may feel deprived and end up giving up completely.

    That's my humble opinion, but like I said, I have never actually done this diet. Good luck!
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    no but i have PCOS and after doing a lot of research, found that low carb diets r they way to go for us...

    im currently on induction but as i have so much to lose i am staying on it for a bit longer x

    Personally, I would talk to your doctor before restricting your diet. But that's just me.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I too had PCOS and was very successful with Atkins. I lost almost 100lbs. I would discourage you from having any, even with artificial sugar. I found that even a bit caused me to want more and more. I worked with a nutritionist who said that it takes the body 3 weeks to recover from sugar cravings. I found that to be true. Enjoy your egg with some bacon instead - yummy!!
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    i lost 85 lbs in 6 months doing atkins.. I slipped and ended up gaining it all back... Im a carb junkie and my downfall ended up being milk and cookies in the end lol. I am considering going back on Atkins actually. I too have PCOS and carbs make me feel horrible!

    So you're looking to just do it all over again? Why do you think you won't gain it all back again!?
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    Why not try a balanced diet that you can maintain for the rest of your life? You can cut down on carbs, but you don't need to cut them out completely to lose weight. It is simple : Calories in / Calories out. No deprivation and can lose weight slowly and healthily.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Why not try a balanced diet that you can maintain for the rest of your life? You can cut down on carbs, but you don't need to cut them out completely to lose weight. It is simple : Calories in / Calories out. No deprivation and can lose weight slowly and healthily.

    It's not Dr. Oz-ish enough
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    haha true
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Once upon a time, I went on Atkins for a whole month and lost like 20 pounds. I stuck right to the plan and didn't cheat, it was so worth it! I wanted grilled cheese sandwiches all. The. Time. Lol . I always kept busy though... avoided the kitchen as much as I could. It really helped! I drank a lot of water too.. try counting to one hundred if a craving comes on. That will give you time to really think about the consequences (guilt, a full blown binge, ruining the ketosis phase) HOWEVER! ..there was a proven study in a Women's World magazine that if you slip up on accident, going right back to Atkins the next morning won't effect you. Don't slip up often though of course! Stay strong and feel free to add me if you want! Sorry this is long

    That's awesome, I lost 22 lbs in a month once by eating whatever I wanted but staying in my calorie goals!

  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Why not try a balanced diet that you can maintain for the rest of your life? You can cut down on carbs, but you don't need to cut them out completely to lose weight. It is simple : Calories in / Calories out. No deprivation and can lose weight slowly and healthily.

    It's not Dr. Oz-ish enough

    You know, I hate that show.

    I normally get home to late to ever catch it but yesterday I was home and saw some part of it.
    He was showing how Kale Juice, month year old boiled egg and fermented tofu was good for you.. :noway:
    I couldn't help but think it was the most disgusting thing I have seen and you need to be a bit crazy to even think about listening to the stupid things that guy says :huh:

    The egg was green!! GREEN! And he actually tasted it, WTF!! :sick:

  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Super-dark chocolate has very little sugar, and you can only eat a bit because it's so intense. Get a 90% cocoa bar. You won't like it at first, but soon it will be a treat. You can also whip up some heavy whipping cream and shave the dark chocolate onto it with a cheese grater.

    I'm a type I diabetic and ate low-carb for a long time. If you really want to stick with it, my advice is to ride out the sweet cravings a develop a taste for fat instead. You will eventually lose your taste for sweet. Do the dark chocolate and whipped cream. Or macadamia nuts.

    Word to the wise: Do not eat the creepy low-carb sweets. They will make you crap yourself. :drinker:
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    It has nothing to do with Dr Oz. It just works for some people. I did all the calcuations on my activity level, found my BMR and TDEE, and ate TDEE -20% for months, and lost nothing. Lifting weights 3x a week, cardio 3x a week, no results (though I am in pretty good shape cardio and strength wise lol) I had people here on the forums check my calcs, to make sure I wasn't missing something. I weigh and measure everything I eat. That was on 150-250 carbs a day.

    3 months ago at the advise of a person on a lifting forum I'm on, I cut it down to 50 carbs. I still eat the same 2400 calories a day I have been all along, yet I'm down 15lbs. Nice slow weight loss and easily sustainable long term. I eat foods I like, lots of meat, fresh veggies, eggs, cheese, etc. I didn't give up much of anything- just cut way back on things like rice, potatoes, grits, pasta, other veggies with high sugar/carb content. I increased my intake of leafy veggies like spinach, cauliflower,broccoli and brussels sprouts, which I always ate, but now I just eat more of them instead of starchy foods. About the only thing I have to really keep my eye on is beer, I love good craft beer and that is usually high in carbs. I limit myself to a few on the weekend and avoid it the rest of the time. It's helped me to jump start my weight loss after being stagnant and frustrated for a long time. Once I hit my goal weight I'll gradually introduce more carbs until I find the sweet spot that lets me maintain without depriving myself of the occasional baked potato or bowl of rice.