2 silly questions

I feel silly asking these questions but I wanted advice and didn't find enough information when I searched for similar threads. So I apologize in advance if this is a repeat thread.

I am a 4'11'' 28 y/o, female and I weigh 147lbs. I've lost about 23lbs in 3.5 months and am pleased with my weight loss so far.

Here is my question, I've used all the BMR Calculators I could find and most say my BMR is 1434 (Harris Benedict) while the other one says 1300. Which do you think is accurate? It might not seem like much but 134 extra calories a day would be awesome!:) I've been using the 1300 BMR but the past month, I've been so stinkin hungry.

Here's my second question and they kind of play off of each other. I work p/t 5 hours a day at a desk job. I put my activity level to lightly active because i do have a toddler who keeps me busy and my husband and I take a 2 mile walk every night. The only exercise I log is my 3-5 mile runs which I do 3 times a week. So should I go back down to sedentary and log everything I do? I've struggled with following my TDEE because I really don't know if I'm sedentary or lightly active or active because of my runs.

Any advice would help! Thanks in advance.
