Partial Portion

Wooo, hoo. Just figured out how to enter partial portions. I rarely eat an entire serving of anything and was getting discouraged with overages in calories, protein and sodium. EX: I ordered a huge burrito for lunch on Sunday and ate 1/3 of it, another 3rd for dinner on Monday and the final 3rd for lunch today. Went from over 700 calories on each of those 3 days to 231. Had Lean Cuisine Swedish Meatballs for quick snack before meds the other day and ate only half, ate the other half today for snack. Had 1/2 ABP Tuna salad for lunch today. Nice to see some reasonable numbers.


  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Good for you, figuring out how to log partial portions. :)
    I rarely eat a whole portion...with the exception of the entire 2 ozs of pasta...can't believe how small that amount is in comparison to my prior MFP eating habits.