


  • Day 7 - no wine!!! Yeah!!! I am feeling good. Not overeating and binging. I can do this. The weight will come off!!!
  • day 8 - no wine and still feeling great!! I am starting not to crave a drink around 4-6pm so much. I feel better in my clothes but the scale has stayed the same for the last 3 days. I think it will drop eventually. This is not easy as I did cancel a happy hour meeting with friends last night - it is too soon. I have been eating dinner earlier, taking a bath and getting out of kitchen and places I like to sit and have a drink. I can do this. I have to also think of the $$ I am saving. At least $60.00 so far!!!
  • I'm sorry to hear you are having surgery - I hope it goes well for you and you recover quickly.

    I don't know what your healthcare plan is like but perhaps raise this issue with your doctor? I know it can be a bit humiliating talking about weight or alcohol (everyone thinks as soon as you mention alcohol you must be an alcoholic... so wrong!) and it feels like you are being judged, but ultimately doctors are there to help you maintain and improve your health. You seem to feel that alcohol is impacting your health (through calories or otherwise) and so it is their job and obligation to help you however you see fit.

    Good luck :)