My goal, is it reachable

Am 5,10 been lifting for few years now started at 125lbs now am about 185lbs my goal is to be 230lbs sub 14% b/f is that reachable being natural

And yes I understand that everyone is different and everybody is but just never meant a natural guy whom was higher then 210 before with lower body fat so just wanted to put it out there and maybe actually meet few lads who have reached my goal naturally?


  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Am 5,10 been lifting for few years now started at 125lbs now am about 185lbs my goal is to be 230lbs sub 14% b/f is that reachable being natural

    And yes I understand that everyone is different and everybody is but just never meant a natural guy whom was higher then 210 before with lower body fat so just wanted to put it out there and maybe actually meet few lads who have reached my goal naturally?

    I'm nowhere near that but know a few guys who hover around 15-16%'s possible with a tuned in diet