
Hi folks. Here I go again.

This time I will minimize the tricks and gimicks. I'm counting calories and moving more. I've also inlisted my sister who lives far away. We have each set a calorie and exersize goal. Each evening we throw each other an email. We talk on Sundays our Sister Watch meeting and that day we put $10 in an envelope. We are going to be accountable to each other, so that we don't let ourselves down or each other. We are keeping it postivie and giving ourselves permission to buy good quality food--fresh and local whenever possible. I'm on day 2. Lots to do today and I realize I have to set a time for my excercise, so the day doesn't get away from me. Blessings and fortune to you all. Amy Lou


  • aligirl32766
    Sounds like an excellent plan. I'm pulling for you and your sister.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    What i great idea! i love the part about putting ten dollars in an envelope! You girls CAN do this!