what 'activity level' or net calories should I set?

Hi, newbie here,

I've only been using mfp for a few days and I'm unsure about where to set my activity level as it really ranges from day to day.
I work part-time (3 shifts a week) which involves being on my feet the whole time, but isn't particularly strenuous (shop assistant), I currently run 3 times a week for 30 mins, and will maybe spend a couple of hours gardening once or twice a week. The rest of the time I'm pretty inactive. I've had my level set at sedentary as apart from the above activity I would see that as correct. However after reading a few posts on here about eating too few calories i'm worried i'm not consuming enough. I'm 5'2" and currently weigh 136lbs. mlp has set me at 1200 calories to lose 1lb a week. I've been sticking to that and haven't felt starved at all. i do enter deliberate exercise like the running and gardening, but if i'm honest I've not been eating all those calories back. I ate most of the back today and it felt like so much food! I've read about BMR, but every calculator I've used gives me a different result. mfp's calculator puts my bmr at 1290 - should I just customise my net calories to that? i also don't understand why mlp would put my calories below my BMR.

all in all I just want to be eating the right amount so as not to damage myself.

Can anyone help please?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Your MFP activity level is NOT supposed to include exercise...that's why it makes no mention of it in the description...just your day to day BS. With MFP you get credit for exercise after the fact when you log it and then MFP credits you additional calories for that activity (as it is unaccounted for in your activity level). Just start somewhere and make adjustments as per real world results.

    Also, your goal is probably below BMR because you probably put in sedentary and really aren't. When you eat back exercise calories that will help. Also, if you don't have much to lose you can just custom set it to whatever you want...BMR is common and a lot of people set it to that and then eat back estimated exercise calories as to not net below BMR. If you have a whole lot to lose eating a little below BMR for a relatively short time won't be a huge issue...just make sure you're eating back exercise calories and not netting below 1200.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Sedentary is for someone who does not work, sits on the couch all day and does not move. You are at the very least lightly active ;) MFP doesn't really consider any factors when it assigns calories which is why things aren't looking right to you. If you want to set your own I would say start with 1300 PLUS at least half the calories you get from your running or any other deliberate exercise.

    How much do you have to lose?? 1 lb a week is OK if you need maybe 30 lbs but apart from that you may want to go with .5 if its only 10-15. You can't have much to lose at 136.
  • erzusia
    erzusia Posts: 5 Member
    I am a newbie too. I dont think you need to try and eat all the calories that you burn off. I so far am quite comfortable not eating over. Today for instance i did 1200 cal burn in 90 min. I wouldnt want to eat all that back. It would be a waste of my effort.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I am a newbie too. I dont think you need to try and eat all the calories that you burn off. I so far am quite comfortable not eating over. Today for instance i did 1200 cal burn in 90 min. I wouldnt want to eat all that back. It would be a waste of my effort.


    You don't have to exercise every calorie off. You burn calories just being alive...in fact, most of your burn is just being alive...you don't consume 1200 and then go exercise 1200 off and net 0 calories...you will be in a heap load of trouble in short order doing this. That 1200 calorie goal is already a HUGE deficit from a maintenance level of calories...if you ate that 1200 with no exercise whatsoever you would lose weight.

    I am not new and have been at this for a long time...
  • Sedentary is for someone who does not work, sits on the couch all day and does not move. You are at the very least lightly active ;) MFP doesn't really consider any factors when it assigns calories which is why things aren't looking right to you. If you want to set your own I would say start with 1300 PLUS at least half the calories you get from your running or any other deliberate exercise.

    How much do you have to lose?? 1 lb a week is OK if you need maybe 30 lbs but apart from that you may want to go with .5 if its only 10-15. You can't have much to lose at 136.

    Thanks, that helps!

    I want to ideally lose 17lbs total (this will put me right in the middle of healthy BMI range), but I prefer to do it in smaller goals of 7lbs at a time - which is half a stone in uk terms. I'm 3lbs away from my first goal. I think I'll go with setting my calories at 1300 and see how I get on. Thank you :)
  • if you been at this long time, may i ask what a person does who is insulin resistant and is on 1200-1700 calories a day, works out for 45 minutes 4 days a week. (zumba fitnes times 3, pilates one day and jillian michaels 6 week abs ) and just cant lose the weight.... I cant get glucose resting sugar below 100 in the morning regardless what I do... p.s. I was cycling 100 miles a week, and now that weather has gotten cold and wet, I have moved my workouts indoors!) any advice is most appreciated.
  • erzusia
    erzusia Posts: 5 Member
    My blood sugar has dropped to a hundred with a hour and a half or more exercise per day seven days per week. I think I lost two pounds in two weeks but haven't weighed on consistent scale yet. My average intake is about 1600 cal. And I still make room for candy.