Trim Healthy Mama - Fad?



  • akwi
    akwi Posts: 5
    I am on a super tight budget, and the foods are not too hard to get. One example: The glucomanan powder lasts forever, and turns liquids into pudding! I think it was around $8.00, and I've only used a little bit since getting it last Sept. I feel better on the THM plan, and don't crave carbs and sugar like I used to. The book tells you where to buy unique ingredients, but most come from your regular grocery store. I am down 37 pounds in 5 1/2 months--since I had a baby. The food combining makes sense, and keeps you full and satisfied. The fat stripping frappe smoothie will give you a smooth ice-cream like drink--and it's crazy low in calories and fat free. Just wanted to chime in.
  • akwi
    akwi Posts: 5
    I am on a super tight budget, and the foods are not too hard to get. One example: The glucomanan powder lasts forever, and turns liquids into pudding! I think it was around $8.00, and I've only used a little bit since getting it last Sept. I feel better on the THM plan, and don't crave carbs and sugar like I used to. The book tells you where to buy unique ingredients, but most come from your regular grocery store. I am down 37 pounds in 5 1/2 months--since I had a baby. The food combining makes sense, and keeps you full and satisfied. The fat stripping frappe smoothie will give you a smooth ice-cream like drink--and it's crazy low in calories and fat free. Just wanted to chime in. You don't have to buy any special ingredients to do the plan. Also, since I don't buy certain foods that I used to, that frees up money. It will become second nature to combine foods; I promise.
  • akwi
    akwi Posts: 5
    I also have hypothyroidism.
  • akwi
    akwi Posts: 5
    Yes, there is science, and studies cited.
  • akwi
    akwi Posts: 5
    I asked my library to order it, and started to read it there before I bought it. I do not regret buying it at all!
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    Recipes are good and it's basically a diabetic/low glycemic type diet, i.e. low carb most of the time, little or no "real" sugar, limit high carb fruits (bananas, pineapple), and eat lots of veggies. I don't bake even when I'm not dieting so I don't care about the alternate flours and cakes and brownies. So it's really not all that different from others out there but I do think one of the sisters (or maybe both) have a good sense of making what you do eat taste good. The receipes are the best part of the book.
  • MommyRN11
    MommyRN11 Posts: 2 Member
    Is THM the real deal? A sustainable way to lose weight without counting, measuring, agonizing? You BET!!! I've been a THM for over one year (hello, I've never stuck to calorie counting or weight watchers that long EVER) and I've lost 60lbs following the food wisdom given! Results speak for themselves, people. If you want to bash a book because it's Christian or you "think" it's a fad (even though you haven't read it or followed it) then go ahead! But you'll be missing out on one life changing, health altering, gold mine of information! What has good old all purpose flour and overly processed wheat products with added sugar done for our society? Given us heart disease, diabetes, renal disease, fed cancer, obesity, sugar addiction... There is something vastly more wrong with the way we eat than simply the amount of calories! I see the fruits of the SAD diet every single day as a med/surg RN. Do me a favor and read the book!
  • Sherryishealthyandstrong
    I'm on day 3 of THM! I don't even have the book yet, and certainly haven't purchased any crazy ingredients! I used the info i found on the internet and started with a few simple healthy meals! So far I've lost 4 lbs! I have about 50 to lose!

    I feel like this way of eating long term is very do-able!

    If nayone who is following the plan wants to "friend me", that'd be great! I'd love to have some FitnessPal support!!


  • jjwest25
    jjwest25 Posts: 1
    My doctor just told me to give up calorie counting and recommended this plan to shock my body. Hypothyroid, PCOS, no loss for 3 months at 1200 calories or less net per the doctor. Increased calories led to 10 lb weight gain so this was his latest suggestion. He went on and on about carbs and spiking blood sugar and fats and how they shouldn't be combined. I thought I was following him, but the more I think about it the more confusing it is. Basically, he said no carbs with fat, eat protein... I think. /

    I was in the same situation. Exact same situation, a month ago. I think the doctor is right as far as you needing to focus on a diet that stabilizes your blood sugar levels. This ultimately means low carb and conscientious food combination. The same principles are behind THM. It is also behind diets like the Zone Diet, etc. Basically, if you can't implement the principles on your own ... a plan such as THM or Zone Diet, etc. is a better option for you to maintain consistency and combat your body's cravings for sugar. I have found THM to be a good jumping off point for addressing my problem with insulin resistance and stalled weight loss, despite frequent exercise (some high intensity) and conscientious food tracking. Again, I echo what others have said ... do what works for you, but certainly if something isn't working and you've gotten medical advice regarding your current food consumption, it is worth trying. It cost me nothing to try it out for a week before deciding to purchase the book.
  • LoveLea3
    LoveLea3 Posts: 24
    If I may say this ... Trim Healthy Mama is the ONLY diet that has worked for me!
    I have tried Dr Bernstein... Ideal Protein... WW.... WWP .... Counting calories ect!
    I am please to say that TRM has been my solution! I am down 23 P's so far and I just LOVE it!!!
  • KittieMD
    KittieMD Posts: 2 Member
    I personally like Trim Healthy Mama. It's so much easier than counting every calorie and the recipes are amazing! :wink:
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Sounds like low carb to me. I eat in a similar fashion and have been successful with it. However, the whole "this food goes with that for weight loss" thing is total BS. I pair based on how it tastes together.
  • kem316
    kem316 Posts: 51 Member
    I followed this diet to a T for a few months. I stopped because if I didn't eat every 3-4 hrs (an important part of THM) I got light headed and ragey. I'm a nurse, so a lot of times I can't eat on a schedule. Also I got tired of being worried about what I could eat when I went out. And for some reason I was always. Very. Contstipated. Don't get me wrong, I've seen several people have great success with THM. It just wasn't for me. Now I'm doing the basic "move more/eat less" thing and its working great for me.
  • snowinginc
    I love THM! I at am the lowest weight I've been in over 20 years, and I'd tried it all except for surgery. THM is about balance, and although some meals are low carb, they do encourage healthy carbs when your meals are low in fat. I've lost 105 lbs from my highest weight. My Dr is tickled. No more meds, and my bloodwork is amazing. Never thought I'd be happy to weigh and have bloodwork done at the Drs office. Lol. Best thing is I've been following for over a year now, and can do this for life because it's balanced. Once you understand and follow the plan, you lose the cravings for all the stuff, and can sub with healthier options. I only use products I can buy at the local grocery store. I will add that I had to quit using MFP as much because it always tells me I'm eating too many calories and will gain weight, but that hasn't happened yet. :)