Having a hard time dropping weight.



  • loserlee123
    loserlee123 Posts: 109 Member
    Also make sure to be careful when you look at a package that you are only consuming one serving size. I had Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup for lunch today and noticed that the container is actually two servings so I had to put two servings into my diary. Not going to have that too often way too much sodium if I have two servings and instead of it being 70 calories it was 140. If I didn't double check I would have been over my calories without realizing it.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I agree that you are probably eating more food than you think you are because otherwise you would be losing weight pretty quickly, especially with such intense workouts.

    When you figure out that you are eating more than you think, you might want to set your goals in MFP to lose maybe 1 pound per week. I also advise you make sure you eat that full 1,200 or thereabouts that MFP gives you, and then eat your exercise calories back.

    Make sure you measure and/or weigh all food and include in your diary everything you put in your mouth. It's the only way to accurately track.

  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Oh, and I REALLY dont want to have to weigh my food. I am just not ready for that kind of committment. I workout, I am eating completely healthy. I dont drink or smoke. I thought diet and exersice would be enough.

    But as you can see, it is not enough. If you are not ready for the kind of commitment it takes to count calories, you are not ready to lose weight.

    Check back again when you are!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Can't view your diary so unable to give suggestions
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I don't think it's been long enough at all to know that it's 'not enough'. It's only been a couple of weeks.

    If someone is trying to just simply 'eat less; move more', that can absolutely work. It might not be quick, but it'll work. OTOH, of course, if somebody ends up not really eating less, that does throw a wrench in things, lol. But I don't think it's been long enough to get extreme quite yet if that doesn't suit a person.

    By 'extreme' I mean exacting and 100% focused. You don't have to be that exacting to be successful, although there may be more bumps along the way to figure out exactly how it's going. That's fine, too, imho. It depends on your mindset. Don't expect big, fast results with more relaxed changes. The relaxed way is definitely a more long-term approach in the sense that big patience is required :)
  • bettynotfatty
    bettynotfatty Posts: 3 Member
    Would you tell us what kind of "workouts" you are doing? Weights, cardio, yoga, what?
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Oh, and I REALLY dont want to have to weigh my food. I am just not ready for that kind of committment. I workout, I am eating completely healthy. I dont drink or smoke. I thought diet and exersice would be enough.

    But as you can see, it is not enough. If you are not ready for the kind of commitment it takes to count calories, you are not ready to lose weight.

    Check back again when you are!

  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Would you tell us what kind of "workouts" you are doing? Weights, cardio, yoga, what?

    T25 is a workout....
  • mrskhill
    Thank you for you comment. I just need someone to tell me to stick with it. I really have felt better. I need to hear, "STICK WITH IT." I really appreciate you insight. Thank you.
  • mrskhill
    Thank you. I want this to be a long term change. I appreciate your comments.
  • mrskhill
    I am working out every morning for 25 minutes. I am in my fourth week of T25. The workouts are cardio based with strength moves. There are no breaks and it is intense. There are six workouts. On Friday the workout is 50 minutes as you double up. No weights yet. In the six week I believe I will add a resistance band.
  • mrskhill
    Wow, I find this comment very discouraging. If I needed to lose weight for health reasons versus being fit and wanting to fit into my more fitted clothes I might feel the need to weigh food. I don't want to be tied to breaking out a scale to eat. I feel like portion control can monitored by sight and though understanding and education. I guess your right. I am not as hard core serious about dropping weight.
  • mrskhill
    I have been working out every morning for 25 minutes. I am using T25 five days a week. On the weekend I am active but I do not exersice. I have cut out sweets, bread, pasta and really all bread types of carbs (crackers, chips etc.) I am watching calories and keeping them to 1000-1100 a day. Currently I weigh 140. When I started T25 two and 1/2 weeks ago I weighed 139. My goal weight in a perfect world would be 128. I just dont seem to be losing weight. Am I rushing things? Will the weight eventially come off? I am getting a little discouraged. I feel better but I was really hoping to have seen more than a 1 pound weight loss after 2.5 weeks of eating very healthy and exersicing. Your thoughts? Could use some encouragement here. Thank you!:smile:

    No adult human being should be eating under 1,200 first of all.

    Do you mind sharing your age and height? I want to check your BMR.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    It is possible you are not eating enough. Give it a couple more weeks and still no loss, then you may want to try increasing your calories. Also, ensure you are drinking enough water.

    Good luck :)
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Eat more. Find your TDEE, and eat 20% less than that.
  • jess_steich7
    Give it some more time and stick with it. It took me two months to lose eight pounds and 2.5 weeks is not a very long time. DO NOT rely on the scale. It is truly the devil. Take progress pictures often and measure yourself. I agree with other people that you may need to up your calories a bit especially since you are exercising.
  • mrskhill
    I am 5'4 and 44 years old. I am recording everything I eat here on myfitnesspal. I should state that while I record everything I am choosing food items from the database and the nutritional value could be off and not exact. So before any more judgment comes my way, my exact calorie count may indeed be off. I am however making a conscience effort to monitor my food and choose very healthy choices. I hardly eat processed, I have cut out snack types food. I love vegetables and have loaded them into my diet and I am eating eggs, Chicken, fish and some beef. I pay attention to dressings, cheese, and hidden sugar as I know that these could wreck a days work of careful eating. I am trying to stay as close as I can to 1100 calories a day but don't feel terribly guilty if I go over. I have no reason to lie to myself or anyone on a message board. I just needed some encouragement. I have committed to working out 25 minutes a day and to change my eating habits. It has not been an easy decision as I am tempted constantly. Tempted to stay in bed and not work out. Tempted to eat all kinds of junk my coworkers try to share at work and tempted by the diets of my teenagers. I had just hoped to see weight loss more quickly and certainly by the third week of my T25 program. Since I am not experiencing that, I hoped that posting here would help me. I don't want to weigh my food but I am open to ideas. I am like many people. I work full time and am raising two teenagers. Like many people I don't have a lot of extra time. I wonder if maybe I should add a couple of workouts in the evening? I probably know what I need to do. I just wanted to know it was making a difference. AND no, I have not measured inches yet. Maybe that is just what I need to do.
  • mrskhill
    Definitely use a tape measure. You'll be pleasantly surprised, I bet :)

    Thank you, This is definitely something I will do. I appreciate your suggestion.
  • mrskhill
    I have about the same weight loss goals as you. I started at 139.5 and have gone down as low as 135.5 back in mid-Sept. I'm back up to 138.5. I did get sick and quit exercising for a week and have not been able to get that low again. I've been fluctuating between 137 and 138.5. The one thing that was different when I was losing weight is I was allowing myself 1,300 calories per day. A couple weeks ago I switched my calorie intake to 1,100 per day and quit logging fruits and vegetables. I made the change to model the calculations on Weight Watchers. My husband is following that program with great success.

    Anyways, I'm back to 1,300 calories. As others have stated, and I agree from experience, you may need to up your calorie intake. I was happy to see a couple people with the same weight loss goals as mine. I wish you the best of luck!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Oh, and I'm going to second that you need to be weighing your food. You would be shocked --SHOCKED at how inaccurately you can judge a portion of food. I've been weighing my food for two years, and even now I still can be off by 50% 80% on a serving size of cheese or chips if I just eyeball it. Over time, that will really add up, and can bring weight loss to a screeching halt.

    I'm confused why you are so adamantly against this. You say you don't want the commitment--how is it any more of a commitment than making the decision to lose weight and be healthier? It takes seriously all of three seconds to do. My scale cost $5. It's not hard, it's not a "burden". It needs to be done, so I do it.