HRM and what App for Iphone 4s

I am curious as to what Heart Rate Monitors and apps people are using and would recommend and why. I was considering purchasing a forerunner 220, but at $300 (with a HRM), it's a bit expensive. I know a phone is more cumbersome, but I normally run with my Zune in a armband anyhow (Phone would be put in a armband in place of Zune.). I primarily jog/run and walk, but also lift.


  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I tried to use my iPhone but found a fitness watch was much better to manage. One big concern was the battery drain if the used Bluetooth and GPS for tracking on the phone. Not to mention the size of the darn thing. Bought the MotoACTV and I have the new Fitbit Force ordered. Worth looking at.
  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    Wahoo makes a HRM that pairs with iPhone via bluetooth and can be used standalone with it's app, or integrated into several other running apps like Endomondo or Runkeeper.
    It's called the Wahoo BlueHRM
    They also make one that is ANT+ not bluetooth and can be used with a watch, or other reciver, or paired with iPhone using a little adapter on the phone. Either choice is around $70.

    I personally bought a separate HRM on sale for 30 and just input the info into endomondo after I run if I feel the need. I quit using HRM to track calories when I moved to maintenence, now I just use HR to keep me in the desired training zone.
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    I quit using HRM to track calories when I moved to maintenence, now I just use HR to keep me in the desired training zone.

    This is the primary reason I would like a HRM. Right now I am going by perceived effort when I am doing easy runs, tempo runs, etc. I really don't know if I am in the right zone or not (My attitude and many other factors can have an affect on my P.E.). I may just go ahead and ask for the Forerunner 220 as a Christmas gift supplemented by anything I receive from birthday gifts.
  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    I use a Polar HRM with my iPhone and Digifit (which syncs with myfitness pal on its own). I run on a treadmill though so I don't need to carry it with me.