CANT STOP BINGE EATING! 3000 calories 4 days in a row



  • peanutbutterfish
    Wow! Your study abroad program sounds like an amazing opportunity. Good for you. I suspect it could be a bit of an reintegration and emotional letdown coming back to the states after such a major life experience. I know in situations like that I often find myself craving carbs and other comfort foods. I'm confident you will level out into a healthy heating routine once gain.
  • Fragilebird24
    Fragilebird24 Posts: 202 Member
    I've been in a very similar situation to you. I've weight cycled my whole life. I'll save you all the details but I got down to my lowest weight in 2011, then gained 10 pounds that Christmas. Long story short, I ended up gaining nearly 70 pounds because I was so upset with myself for gaining the first ten. After getting to about 205 pounds I decided I NEEDED to change (for the zillionth time)June of this year. I did really well and lost twenty pounds between June and August. When I went back to school it was really hard for me to maintain a steady weight loss and I found myself eating more and more like I used to and it. I recently gained six pounds, lost 3 then gained 3 again. I decided that I needed to put my scale away and focus on how I felt. I know how horrible I feel during and after I eat a bunch of junk. And for me, if I'm eating junk I'm usually not exercising. To me, it is more gratifying to watch what I eat and exercise and then be able to treat myself to something that I enjoy (in moderation.) Since you've been at a normal weight your entire life you may want to find what workouts/ eating plans work for you. I agree that there is definitely an underlying emotional issue. Try to work that through that and figure out why you're using food for comfort. I wish you the best!