Finish the job.....

Let's see, I am a guy in my 40s. I hit 300lbs several years back and decided enough was enough. I dropped a little over 100lbs through diet and exercise. I have managed to keep the weight off for the most part. I tend to fluctuate the same 10-15lbs. I am currently 195lbs and 5'11". At the time I lost the weight, I decided I wanted to get down in the 170s, but just never finished it.

I've always taken the approach of eat less/move more, but I think there is more than that. While I am in decent shape, my activities have been pretty much limited to cardio (running, hiking, etc) over the past few years. I'd like to work on dropping some weight, building muscle and losing some body fat. I recently started weight training a few days a week. I think it is time to focus on the quality of my diet rather than just the quantity.