Newbie from Eastern Kentucky

Hello, everyone!!! I am a 37 year old married mother of a beautiful 15 year old daughter. I'm excited to say that I conquered one of my biggest additions last year in October 2009. I never, never, never thought I would be able to stop drinking Pepsi, but I woke up on Saturday, Oct. 3, 2009, & said...NO MORE POP! I'm proud to say that 10 months later I still haven't taken another drink of Pepsi. I experienced a 30 pound weightloss within the first 3 months, and to my surprise I didn't feel as sluggish in the evenings as I did when drinking cola. I have maintained that 30 pd loss for the past 7 months, but being my heaviest I have ever been in my life leaves me wanting to lose more.

One of my co-workers & her husband discoverd this awesome site & she shared it with me. I love it!!! I have only been on here for 2 days, but I already feel addicted, haha. My overall goal is a big loss of 165 more pounds. I don't know if I will ever reach that goal, but I feel more determined at this time in my life than I ever have before.

My biggest inspiration is my daughter. She is beautiful & talented (she is an athlete). She suffered an injury early on this summer that kept her on crutches for several weeks & left her unable to be as active as she normally is. The other downside to this is that over the summer she gained 25 pounds (all in her belly), and at her physical the other day her doctor told her she really needed to lose the belly fat, because that was a big contributor to diabeties...and we already have a family history to deal with. So we have challenged each other. Basketball practice officially starts in the middle of October, so which ever one of us loses the most weight by then wins $50. I want to lose weight to live a healthier life, but most of all to support her, and be here for all the important moments in her life!!!

I will need a lot of support, so I will probably be here a lot!!! Thanks!!!


  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome to the best site for support and to lose weight. WTG on getting rid of the pop habit.
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Hello & welcome! Great job to you on all your progress so far and I know you can reach all of your goals. . .just continue to work hard and use all the tools available on this site. . .they are great and there are so many helpful and supportive people here! I don't think I'm too far from you. . .East TN not far from Jellico. . .but I've never been to Pikeville.
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Hello, west Virginian here so we're neighbors. You have come to the right place! Go look at the success stories in the message boards, u will be amazed!! 165 pounds? You can do it, if your mind is set then u can totally do it. Will it be easy? Well no, matter of fact I think any kind of change is hard let alone changing your whole lifestyle but I FINALLY realized that watching what I put in my mouth, making healthier choices, moderating and most of all moving my bootie really works! Is there tough days, yep but it is sooo worth it to see the scale go down and to have more energy for my kids! Make a bunch of friends and log everything! And just so u know we are all addicted to mfp and we are in here often but it's better than being addicted to chocolate haha! Btw great job on kicking pop!! Feel free to add me, I'm on my phone typing this and it's super slow...