Depression after weight loss

I've lost a total of 85 pounds going from 205 to 120 and am a completely changed person. I can't understand why I feel so depressed about my weight . Has anyone experienced this? Is this just a normal part of the process? Any advice?


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I sincerely hope that you are able to figure this out and get past it. I recommend talking it over with your doctor. There may be something out of balance that can be fixed with vitamin supplements, dietary adjustments, or medicine. Good luck.
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    I've never been in exactly your position, but I was critically ill for a number of years. After the true nature of my health issues was treated, I went through an adjustment period. Learning to live in what was virtually a new body was not intuitive. It took time to adjust to feeling differently (healthier) everyday. It took time to understand the new normal even though the new situation was much better.

    Could you be feeling something akin to this? Are you adjusting to learning that maintaining is your new normal? Perhaps it is more complicated for some people to move from thinking about the tangible goals of losing and gaining to acceptance of that which you've succeeded in changing?
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    First of all congratulations on your weight loss. Inspiring! My 2 cents worth - since you asked - is that you don't feel emotionally like you thought you'd feel.... for example, and I apologize for my lousy comparison, you final get the shampoo from those fabulous commercials and you use it and now you have super shiny clean hair but not a convertible, a beach house and a bunch of tanned good looking friends like the ones in the commercial. ?? Just something to think about. Also, depending on where you live... could you be experiencing 'SAD syndrome'?
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I dunno if it is the same thing and I have lost only around 10lbs so far.. and have 10 more to go.. but lately everytime I am looking at my body I am just feeling sad.. and fat.. I always feel like I am not losing enough.. and even if I am losing its not showing.. Some people advised I should look at pics.. but I look at the pics I took 2 mnths back and the pics I took recently and I dont see much difference..

    Please if someone has some advice, it would be greatly appreciated.. I need help..
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    I think that losing weight and getting healthy is an adventure, a challenge and a major feat when you are successful. Then, you get to your goal and you are finished. The drive and determination may need a new outlet. Have you been working on toning, as you look spectacular! Is there something you have always wanted to do, like zip lining or bungee jumping? Try to think of new ways you can challenge yourself!!

    I do also suggest talking to your doctor. A simple blood test can show if you are deficient in vitamins or minerals and that could be very helpful!!

    Best of luck and congratulations!!
  • adriennewx
    adriennewx Posts: 38 Member
    this happened to my mum. she lost a lot lf weight and said she just didn't feel like herself. you should be very proud of yourself and your weight loss, I wish I had your determination. :)
  • Sylvitryinghard
    Sylvitryinghard Posts: 549 Member
    omg!! Id walk 1 m above the ground. Be happy :) thats fantastic!!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,722 Member
    I can imagine that people think that improving their appearance will fix a lot of problems that they find are still there. Please talk to a professional.
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    I had this happen to me. I had lost about 100lbs and I felt vulnerable and weird. I would definately look into talking to someone about it.
  • Capetowndieter
    I have read that it takes almost a year for your brain to readjust to your new weight.
    Congrats on your weight loss its very inspiring !
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Bah you can't tell a depressed person to be happy.

    I agree with the poster who said it's probably hormones. You might have an imbalance because of your weight loss. I'd definitely go see a doctor.
  • dgray143
    dgray143 Posts: 2 Member
    Please don't be depressed you are an inspiration to us all!

    Try taking in more Omega-3 fatty acids they are supposed to help with depression.
  • samasok
    I went through something like this the last time I lost a significant amount of weight. I lost somewhere in the area of 80 lbs. I was training for a half marathon and was in wonderful shape. I had also gotten my life pulled together, stop drinking, figured out what I was going to do with the rest of my life and career. I mean for once I had it all figured out and I was 39 years old (I am 43 now). Then this depression hit, my wife thought it might be the mid-life thing so I went to a therapist. He told me I spent and entire year fixated on one thing - losing weight and getting my life together. Now that I was there I needed something to fill the void. He told me to do a bucket list and start looking at things outside of weight and work.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Yes, I do believe it is relatively normal.

    Your new weight presents you with a different reality that you have to learn to come to terms with and deal with. I think many people also think on an unconscious level that losing weight may magically change their internal issues, lack of confidence or so on. Then when they arrive at their destination they find that may not be true at all. Low mood therefore follows.

    I don't think you really need a doctor or counselling unless you have actual depression (rather than just low mood.) I think it is worth taking time contemplating what you mentally want to achieve going forwards and how you can do so (affirmations, visualisations, reframing & anchoring techniques...)
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I think it is natural to need a period of adjustment. We all get used to ourselves being bigger and it took a time to get there. Then when we get back to a weight which is better for us it is something else to get used to. Even if you loose at 1 lb a week this is probably faster than it went on.

    Well done in all your work. Want to be like you one day

    Take care
  • SwtPzYaya
    SwtPzYaya Posts: 23 Member
    Yes it it normal to feel this way... but when it starts to consume your every thought and disrupt your way of life you need to seek medical assistance. It could just be a imbalance of sorts and you need something to get everything back on a even kilt. You have done an amazing job with getting the weight off and working to keep it off... That feeling of what's next is in the back of your mind... but keep doing what you are doing and don't focus so much on the weight... your main focus has been work your *kitten* off to get it off, now that its done your lost... thats what happen to me but I started to focus on what i needed to do to keep it off with things that i enjoy doing... swimming, hiking, gardening, etc not so much the gym all the time...I hope this helps and good luck...


    MFP friend
  • ktcomplicated
    ktcomplicated Posts: 16 Member
    Many times depression is actually chemical, so I'd definitely speak to someone. Even if it's situational (large weight loss can be very disorienting), it would still be good to talk to someone who can guide you through what you're feeling.
  • SwtPzYaya
    SwtPzYaya Posts: 23 Member
    I have read that it takes almost a year for your brain to readjust to your new weight.
    Congrats on your weight loss its very inspiring !

    I have to say that article does not apply to all... I'm going on 4 years of maintaining a 133+ lb. weight loss and i still feel go thru the readjustment Its a day to day process...
    Stay strong
  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member
    I went thru the same thing after my initial 20 lbs came off. I'm 48 and started having hot flashes and moodiness and all the symptoms of menopause. After reading up on it, I read where your fat stores estrogen and when you lose fat there is a drop in estrogen which leads to menopause symptoms. My body adjusted and I'm fine now. I did get very depressed though and just about gave up thinking I would be happier fat! LOL Glad I hung in there. I'm down 30 pounds now and keep plugging along.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I think when we are overweight we think that everything in our life will be perfect when we "get skinny"... the problem is, having a new small body isn't going to make everything magically better. I definitely think you should talk to someone about it. Wellbutrin has been amazing for me, not that I think you should jump the gun and get on AD right away.

    Like others have said, losing large amounts of weight can put stress on our adrenal and pituitary glands which can throw your hormones off. Your best bet is to see a doctor or therapist.

    I hope you start to feel better soon! You are such an inspiration!