I'm back!

after a Hiatus from last year, I'm back with a weight loss vengance

Still got that nagging 10 pounds to lose

Currently I'm an Aviation Maintenance student at A University In Michigan. It's great fun, even if marred in procedure. I'm one of the guys toy DON'T see when you fly on an aircraft, but I'm one of the key people who make sure you get from point A to B without becoming a smoking hole in the ground or being delayed a long time. A&P's (airframe and power-plant rated people) make up the bulk or at least a good portion of the people doing anything from simple inspection to major work on aircraft.

I've also taken up recently film photography with a new to my mint condition Cannon A-1 35mm SLR. so far it has been fun following in my parents footsteps

I also enjoy motorcycling with my 73' Honda CB450 which im cafe race modding slowly but surely (will be time to paint the tank soon