Exercise equipment; your must have...



  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Pull-up bar
    Yoga mat
    My own body


    good teachers
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    You have to pitch the equipment to the person.

    If you're a road warrior, or on a limited budget, or have limited space, you could go a long way with:

    a decent weight kettlebell (or two)
    a doorway chin up bar

    If you're talking beyond barebones basics and you have the cash and room, then:

    Power rack
    oly bar + weights

    would be more than sufficient. (I'd still have the kettlebells/chin up bar too)
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    Love this! It's quite motivating seeing everyone's equipment.
    My spare room is practically clear ready for winter. In it is:

    Exercise bike
    yoga matt
    A selective of Jillian Michaels/ Yoga DVDs
    Barbell/ plates (started a basic 5x5 lift program at home)
    Place for my laptop to view DVDs/ get a good play list on
    My most motivating thing is my Polar heart rate monitor- seeing the burn makes me work harder.
    If the weather gets too bad I may consider a tread mill- but I'm hoping that there should be at least 2-3 days a week I can get out!!
    Little extras are callipers and tape measure, and kettle bell is on my Christmas list.
  • Loser_Girly
    Loser_Girly Posts: 9 Member
    Thank You, this topic was very helpful! :)