Hey there!

Hello there! How exciting to actually be excited to exercise and eat healthier. I think most other times I have tried ... at least recently ... it's felt more like a chore. For some reason, I'm really pumped and excited! I'm looking to lose 10-15 pounds in 1.2 pound weekly increments. I've set my goals fairly low so to make them fairly attainable -- and possibly surpassable. I've been here for about 6 days, and I really love how this site works! It keeps me motivated -- which, being a single mom of three, a graduate student, and holding down two jobs -- well, motivation is definitely important. :smile: I would love to get to know some of you and share this experience with each other! Good luck to everyone!!


  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    I too have been here for about five or six days and also have a plan to lose 10-15 pounds. :) I agree that this seems like a reasonable goal. :)

    Glad to "meet" you!
  • txtree50
    txtree50 Posts: 51
    I am also new and tomorrow will be a week for me. I have lost 6 pounds and am sooooooooooooooo pleased with myself. It's so easy to plug in the food I am going to eat and once it shows up, sometimes I think twice about eating it. You can add me as a friend. I am not sure how to to that yet but would love to help ya.
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Welcome! You sound very busy...I am sure the ease of use here at mfp is helpful to you :happy: