Do you give out wrong info?

So being on this site, calorie counter, calorie king and a bunch of others I forgot the names of. There seems to be a common denominator. A bunch of users who have no clue as to what they are talking about. A bunch of users who constantly give out wrong information or go off Huntington post instead of real science studies. The saying all over the internet one of the major mottos is "you cant out exercise a bad diet" that is a big fitness motto, but according to you guys, well you can go ahead and eat 300 grams of sugar a day from soda as long as its in your deficit, screw health. Its alright to suck down hormone filled, 10% real beef having artificial foods as long as they are in your deficit. People make topics on some of these sites and leave convinced they have eating disorders or if they eat under their bmr they will drop dead. So please, stop spreading the misinformation.

The truth is most people dont know what they are talking about. Even if you tell them you talked to a doctor of 40 years, a dietitian with a masters they will still think they are right.