Recommend your scale for uneven floors!

I live in an old house. No floors in the house are truly even. Our bathroom floors are some of the worst!

My weight will fluctuate up to 15 lbs (in a 2-3 minute period) depending on where it sits in the bathroom. I've moved it to a bedroom (wood floors) and the situation is not much better there.

Are there scales that are accurate on uneven floors? Maybe something you can do to adjust them?

Our house is tiny, and I also have to slide the scale out from under the sink (in bathroom) and bedside table (in bedroom). Is that the problem? Do I have to find a space (nonexistent) to keep the scale immobile?


  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    weigh something on it you know the weight of e.g. a kilo bag of sugar, find out where it is accurate, always weigh yourself there
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't think you'll find a scale that weighs accurately and consistently with uneven floors.
  • checkmatekingtwo
    checkmatekingtwo Posts: 118 Member
    I have textured tiles in my house, and I've never found a digital scale that will work accurately. I've had much better luck with analog scales. Actually, I'm using my grandmother's old cast-iron scale from the 1930s. Sometimes the old stuff works much better than the new --- and I never have to replace a battery :)
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,634 Member
    Try putting a piece of plywood under the scale.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Try putting a piece of plywood under the scale.

    ^^^ This.
  • We live in a 100+ year old house and it seems there is not an even surface to be found. My old CVS scale would fluctuate by 5-10 pounds depending on where I put it. After seeing the crappy reviews online for that particular scale I decided to order a new one.

    I ordered the Eat Smart bathroom scale on Amazon, it has 10,000+ reviews. So far it gives me the same exact weigh no matter where I place it, despite my awful floors.

    I would try the plywood trick before you order a new one though.
  • kathystrauss1
    kathystrauss1 Posts: 142 Member
    I don't know what kind of scale you have but with my Withings scale the instructions say to wait 10 seconds after you move it. The scale recalibrates when it's repositioned and it can be inaccurate if you don't wait.
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    I have an Eat Smart digital scale and the instructions state that if you move it from one place to the next, you have to step on and step right off to "reset" the scale. then proceed to step on to weigh. i weigh in the same spot, no matter what. our apartment is a bit off as well. ive notticed a 7 lbs difference between the bathroom and the kitchen floors. just remember to always reset it after moving it before weigh yourself. :)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'll recommend the Wii balance board. It's the best and most consistently accurate scale I've ever used. It spreads out over a wider distance than a traditional scale, and the feet have some play to accommodate wonky floors.

    You could also try placing a piece of thick wood under your current scales.