New to This and NEED this!

Hi Everyone
Soooo something has to give and it's time I start to change! I've always had 2 or 3 jobs and have been on the go go go. I was never skinny my whole life and never can see myself "Skinny". I like being thick and having curves. Now that I only have 1 job and it's a desk job it seems like overnight all this weight has just jump on me out of nowhere! I not going to lie I LOVE food, pretty much any kind of food and food is a big part of my family. I don't want to give up the foods I like but I think by tracking what I eat will help me realize how much I really am eating. All I really want is to put a pair of jeans on and a nice shirt and feel comfortable and have nothing roll out or around.:tongue: I'm ready for a new start and for my life to go up and the numbers on the scale to go down!
Best of luck to everyone who's out there trying to lose!:wink:


  • Corpsebride81
    Corpsebride81 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi there feel free to add me I put on 3 stone when my daughter was born and have been struggling to lose it for the past 3 years, but have found loads of really good support on here x
  • Hey, This is great to hear. I was never really over weight but I never really monitored my eating habits at least not in the since of calorie intake. But now that I have found MFP and I log what I eat everyday i can only say that I am more aware of what I decide to actually put in my body. I love eating to but thru this site I have found that I can eat and still keep track of what i'm eating with all the calorie intake I am getting and if you want to succeed at your goal this is a great way to get there. Best of luck to you...
  • Hi
    You have come to the right site, it is awesome, with plenty of help available. I wish you all the luck as you start your journey to a better life style :smile: